Thursday, October 15, 2009

McGangBang Meet Your Match!

I, like many of you loyal readers, first read about the McGangBang here almost three months ago. I was immediately shocked, disheartened in humanity, and…intrigued.

See, dear friends, I have a problem. Though I am normally pretty mindful of the food I ingest, I have a marked weakness for ingeniously grotesque food items. The creatively vomitastic, if you will. I don’t exactly seek these items out, but they seem to find me. The Luther Burger, grasshopper tacos, Scotch Eggs – all have presented themselves and been summarily consumed.

But I was scared of the McGangBang. True, but not for the reasons one might think. To be honest, I wasn’t terribly impressed by it, and was frightened by the prospect that I might be completely underwhelmed after eating one. What would that say about me?

Well, about a month ago I decided to throw caution to the wind and give the McGangBang a go. I skipped right on down to my local Mickey D’s, slapped one together aaaand…. M’eh.

I’ve been more impressed by the amount of meat in some sushi rolls I’ve inhaled. It seriously wasn’t even worth the blog post I planned to write about the McGangBang experience. What was I to do? Blaine would surely have my head for this. Then, after a month of hiding out, it suddenly came to me...

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce, for your culinary delight, a Diary of Fools exclusive menu first – The McDP!!

The McDP (aptly named for its ability to allow the two sandwiches to cause exponentially more pleasure and damage than either could ever dream of on their own) consists of an entire McDonald’s Southern Style Chicken Sandwich jammed tightly between the two buns of the ever-classic Double Quarter Pounder with cheese. Though the semi-coma I fell into while consuming this masterpiece prevents me from remembering most of the appearance, I will share the following which I found scribbled on greasy notepad after awakening:


melted cheese substance coats entire mouth easing ingestion


crunchy and succulent

I feel fat

is this real life?

I'm convinced this is not animal meat



blaine_fridley said...

The McDonkeyPunch! Brilliant work, Mr. Marshall.

Though, in all fairness, the McGangBang - being a conglomeration of dollar menu items - is more about gluttony on a budget than just straight gluttony; a way of satiating your desire for shame-feasting when you only have a pocket full of loose change.

blaine_fridley said...

oops, i think i got my vile sex act abbreviations mixed up...

i meant, "The McDoublePentrator! Brilliant work, Mr. Marshall!"

John Marshall said...

You are correct sir!

Thank you kindly.

Merton Sussex said...

I picked the wrong year to stop eating fast food.

Katherine said...

Hahahahahahahahaha. awesome.