Firstly, Betty Fucking White. The old lady's comedic timing is still Swiss Watch, people - at 88 years old! 88! Nothing sexxxier than a woman with ill comedy skillz, I say. Watch out, Betty, I'm comin' for ya', girrrl.
So, with the bar already set at heights Dick Fosbury would have trouble clearing, out steps Jay-Z.
Armed with a live band, Hova came out swinging with "Public Service Announcement" and never let up, as he and his ever-so-tight band tore through about a 10-minute medley of classics and, well, newer classics. The give-and-take between Jay and his band was mesmerizing. They were both on fire, but neither one overtook the other. The band laid down visceral, hard-hitting instrumentals and Jay-Z rode 'em to perfection.
You can argue all you want about who's the "best" MC alive right now. I know many of you would give Jay your first place votes, and many of you (this humble bloggist included) wouldn't.
But there's no arguing that on this night at least, live in front of millions, there wasn't an MC on the planet who could've topped him.
and whoever boo is that came out and did Alicia's part sang the shit out of that. Dare I say, better?
Helluva post. Now i'm sorry I skipped SNL for the 459th straight week.
wow, reminiscent of his unplugged performance years back. shawn corey carter is a bad man with a microphone.
I don't much care for the hip hop...what with all the rhyming.
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