Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Campbell Brown: Pop Culture Cold-Case Unit

In this, the Instant Information Age, nothing is more important than being The First -- especially when it comes to reporting on the latest Internet phenomenon. That is, unless you're Campbell Brown, host of CNN's No Bias No Bull (which coincidentally, is all bias and all bull, all the time. In the world of cable news anchors, "no" always means "yes." Ex: O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone."). Nope, she prefers waiting until that Internet phenomenon's dead, decaying, bloated carcus is found washed ashore, vulture's pecking away at its eye sockets. This was the case tonight when she reported on the "latest" craze to sweep the World Wide Web: something the kids are all calling "Rickrolling."

Wow, Campbell, what's next? lonelygirl15? The Dancing Baby? Maybe an in-depth piece on Friendster and this rapidly growing Internet-based trend known as "social networking"? Do you not have anybody under the age of 30 on your staff?

Sorry, don't have the vid to share. Here's the transcript, though (Oh, and by the way, Campbell, if you get an email about Bill Gates sharing his fortune with you, it's NOT real):

BROWN: Tonight's "Bull's-Eye" goes to something that our staff has been buzzing about all day. They've even been singing along. And Erica Hill is here to explain what is up.

HILL: That's right. The song stuck in everybody's head so we're going to do it to you at home too just because we like to share. It's actually -- this is something that's really tough to explain without you seeing it first. So first, I want you to take a look at this video that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released today of her cats.

And there we go. Here's the thing. This is called getting "Rick-rolled." Oh, yes, "Never Going to Let You Go," Rick Astley, '87. Those were the days.

Here's what happened because apparently this --

BROWN: It's all coming back now.

HILL: It is. All the kids are talking about this. So Rick Astley and that classic from '87, including the hair, will pop up just at some random point during a video while you're watching it online and that's called getting "Rick-rolled" which happened to Nancy Pelosi's cat. It also happened very famously to Barack Obama.

Check this one out. In fact it may be -- those are the cats again. But the Barack Obama one could be the most famous one. I think we have it.

BROWN: Oh, come on.


BARACK OBAMA (D), PRESIDENT-ELECT: We're no strangers to love.

You know the rules and so do I.


HILL: But that one they, you know, they kind of put it to music. Five and a half million views of that one so far.

BROWN: Unbelievable.

HILL: "Rick-rolling."

BROWN: I mean, how did this start? Like who comes up with the idea?

HILL: It's an excellent question. From everything I've seen, they really don't know who started it but it's become a really big thing. When I first heard about it, I thought "Rick-rolling" involved Rick Sanchez. But no. No twittering involved.

BROWN: OK. That does it for us. Who knew? Erica Hill, always bringing in something fascinating. We're ending it there.

"LARRY KING LIVE" starts right now. We'll see you tomorrow night


Tajmccall said...

I knew Rick-Rolling took onto the mainstream when the standard-issue office tard began trolling people at work with this...about 15 months ago.

Merton Sussex said...

Rick-rolling is so OUT. Those of us in the know have already moved on to the pranks of tomorrow, such as signing people up for the NAMbLA mailing list, dumping psychotropic drugs into their coffee, and calling the police to give them an anonymous tip about a guy in the neighborhood who has an illicit teen sex dungeon full of crystal meth, industrial lubricant, and shattered innocence.

In other news, freaky botched rhinoplasty notwithstanding, Campbell Brown's shiny, chestnut locks fill me with the desire to penis her repeatedly.

Frank White said...

Rick-rolling jumped the shark right about when people started figuring out this uber-nerdy connection:

Sound familiar? Here are the two songs superimposed:

Now you see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

blaine_fridley said...

"signing people up for the NAMbLA mailing list, dumping psychotropic drugs into their coffee, and calling the police to give them an anonymous tip about a guy in the neighborhood who has an illicit teen sex dungeon full of crystal meth, industrial lubricant, and shattered innocence. "

I always love that one…

blaine_fridley said...

oh, and ps to mert-

penis as a verb=comedic delight