Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Photographer Captures High Point of Bush Administration


Frank White said...

Because he is leaving, or because he is really, really high right now?

Seriously, he's probably got a keg of Schlitz and a mountain of coke to rival Tony Montana's today. He might even tell Cheney what he really thinks of him.

Merton Sussex said...

I think what I love most about this picture is the tiny Michelle and Barack in the corner waving, "see ya."

"Yeah, yeah. We've got it from here. Now piss off back to Texas, there's work to do. Quite a bit of it, too."

Seriously, he's probably got a keg of Schlitz and a mountain of coke to rival Tony Montana's today. He might even tell Cheney what he really thinks of him.

Oh, man. PLEEEEEZE let this transpire. I'll give anything to read a news report about Bush slipping his Secret Service detail, only to get picked up full of piss, vinegar, and a speedball, standing in his underpants in the middle of Crawford and gibbering classified information at invisible demons in the sky. Not that we'd ACTUALLY read about it, of course...It'd get covered up faster than Reno yanking his spank-blanket over his junk when his mom unexpectedly comes downstairs while he's rasslin' the midget. But still, I want it to HAPPEN.

That's not too much to ask, is it?

Tajmccall said...

Bush is a cokehead. You can put that on the board.

Ben said...

I bet Obama could take Bush in a coke-off.