Monday, April 27, 2009

Hot Sh!t: Rock Cookie Bottom

Jonathan Mann of is a visionary.

Last January, Jon decided that as a challenge, he was going to write, record, and film a video for a new song every day. And even though I can't exactly IDENTIFY with that sort of work ethic, I can certainly respect it.

Some songs are inspired by fan requests. Some simply by seemingly-mundane things that happen in his life. Still others find their roots in current events. Take song #109, f'rinstance. While earlier compositions in Johnathan's experiment have titles like, "Penguins Having a Party," and "Wren The Polyamorous Polar Bear And His Story of Redemption," #109 deals with a topic that's come up a lot in the news lately: Waterboarding.

Now, you might think it's more or less impossible to come up with a jaunty little pop ditty about the Bush Administration's favorite torture technique, but you'd be wrong. And, if not dead wrong, at least, "fearing for your life due to severe physical and emotional distress" wrong. But, hey...To give credit where credit is due, Jonathan got a little help with the lyrics. Minus the ad-libs, they're lifted more or less verbatim from the recently-released CIA memo by former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo entitled: "Torture Memos: Waterboarding." Gotta love how the Bushies are STILL staunchly denying that Waterboarding is torture, yet that's the official title of the motherfucking memo. But, I digress. On with the musical goodness:

Isn't that nice? It takes a virtuoso like Mr. Mann to take something as shameful as Waterboarding, and turn it into something so...well...tolerable. I like it so much, I'm not even gonna give him shit for the air quotes. Fuck, he didn't write the memo.

If you wanna check out more of Jonathon's work, hit him up at Tell him The Diary sent you.

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