Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The New Dodge Ram: Not driving one is pretty much admitting you have a vagina.

Fuckin' A! That's like a shot of testosterone directly in your eyeball, isn't it? I've never seen an ad so blatant--hold on a second---Hey, whattayou lookin' at, queer?! What is that, a Ford F-150? Why don't you drive your little gaymobile down to gaytown and be gay with other dudes' boners and shit! DODGE RULEZZ!!!!!! WHEWWWWWWWW!!!! [shotguns a Busch Light, fires rifle in the air]


Anonymous said...

Why do you warn against Testicular Gigantism? Isn't that what the american dream all about? Swelling your bank account and your sack to ridiculous levels? My balls are so big I can barely sit in my chair! I need a big bed just to carry 'em around! It's not like they'd fit in a Prius or some tree-huggin' pansy-mobile like that! Yeah, I'm typin' at you Fridley! Get yer butt back to work and bring me some beer!

Tajmccall said...

i feel at least 35% more fertile right now.

Anonymous said...

After watching this ad, I feel as if my husband is not a real man. I must make him give up the Prius and buy a Dodge Ram stat.

Merton Sussex said...

I have kind of a problem with the Dodge Ram. Oh, nothing's wrong with the truck...It's just that the name of the thing is a self-contained oxymoron. Dodge...Ram. These are diametrically-opposed concepts, aren't they?

That's kind of like selling a car called the "Infiniti Terminus," or the "Mercury Sloth." Ridiculous. I mean...c'mon. Would anyone buy a "Mini Mammoth?"

Hell, while we're at it, why not get all European, and have a car called the "Fiat Acquiesce"?

Anonymous said...

as a man with one ball...i thank DOF for making the one good one i have left, just a bit bigger..