Monday, December 29, 2008

The Intellectual Scrapheap: Not-So-Deep Thoughts from the Mind of Blaine Fridley

Vanity plates. Not since I was in the 4th grade and LA Gear came out with those light-up sneakers have I encountered something made to raise your cool quotient that actually lowers your perceived coolness as quickly and efficiently as vanity plates. "Oh, wow! Your sneakers light-up! That's… soooo………commmmpletely gay. Enjoy being picked last for kickball the rest of the year, dillweed."

"D8T RPST" must've been taken.

OMG!! LOL!!! This one says, "Hey, I have the Internet!"

Hmm. I was actually thinking a mix of amnesty, temporary work visas and improved economic development in Mexico. But your expertly played license plate rebuttal has proven me wrong!

PS- Go Junior!


JD at I Do Things said...

Actually, I think that 2d license plate means "I am a fan of grossness!" Dunno why you'd want to advertise something like that.

JD at I Do Things

Anonymous said...

Blaine's just mad he can't get them for his bicycle. And he needs a new pack of cards for his spokes (Minnesota winters and the road salt are very harsh on playing cards, he goes through a pack just getting to work)

Frank White said...

I saw a license plate that said "BUKKAKE" in Duluth once. Didn't get a picture, sadly.