Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This Day in History: 1903

Breaking barriers:
Women ushers were employed for the first time at the Majestic Theatre in New York City. Their real names never recorded, the two ushers - affectionately known as "Chesty" and "Jiggles" by patrons and co-workers alike - are heralded in a year-end performance review found in the Majestic Theatre archives as "two dames who really know how to starch a man's collar" and "not as lippy as my hag-wife, Loretta, who always needs to be busted in the mush twice before laundering my shirt correctly."

Today's Celebrity Birthday:
Jane Austen, 1775. Author of such mind-numbing, drawn-out crap as Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility… a body of work responsible for putting more people to sleep than Dr. Kevorkian.


Anonymous said...

Bravo, Blaine.

I've never seen anyone, even you make such a quick 180° turn. From lampooning the misogynism of 1903 to your misogynistic attack on Jane Auten, one of literatures shining stars and a Hollywood gold mine for long, drawn-out crappy chick flicks.

Lucy Parker said...

I suppose that I shouldn't mention my love of the movie "Pride & Prejudice"

blaine_fridley said...

askov: i thought it was a nice juxtaposition…

lucy: fear not judgement from me…

Anonymous said...

Blaine: A nice juxtaposition is hot food and cold beer.Misogyny can never be nice juxtaposed…well maybe with racism

Anonymous said...

I told you to leave my Mom out of this!!! It's not like you guys dated for more than a month anyways!

Merton Sussex said...

"Dated." Ha! It's not like they WENT anywhere. Not in PUBLIC, anyway.