Monday, October 20, 2008

Amy Poehler…

…I would like to have your next baby. Think about it. Email when you're ready.

Eskimos how you feelin'?
Ice cold!


Merton Sussex said...

Yeah. That was the ballsiest "I'm gonna destroy you right to your face" maneuver since Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Bravo, Amy.

Reno Gruber said...

I gotta give her props for sitting there and take her lumps. As much as it may bleach your assholes to admit it; you know it helped their campaign.

Where's the equal time for Bob Barr? Just because he looks like Powers Booth (the bad guy in...anything he does) and has no mathematical shot of even competing with most write-ins doesn't mean...ok fine i'll just stop.