Thursday, October 16, 2008

If you laugh at this, you're going to hell.

But, at least I'll see you there.


blaine_fridley said...

what time does the next handbasket leave?

John Marshall said...

handbasket? i think you earned a first class ticket for that

Anonymous said...

LMAO but I was already destined for hell.

Tajmccall said...

Easy guys, its not that bad to make fun of her birthing canal that housed a water-head. After all she was the one who got recklessly pregnant at an old age.

Probably was a mistake, but we know how she feels about 'bortion.

Now it is wrong to comment how delicious retard meat is. That creepy extra strength sure makes for a tender loin.

Whats that satan? You have the room next to the furnace available for me?


Merton Sussex said...

I hear ya. I love a good mongoloid steak once in awhile. I know this great place where you can just ask for "The Special." And as long as you wink when you say "special," and sorta draw it out through your left nostril a little, boom. Instant Re-Re Roast.

It's almost a shame that McCain's losing. Were Palin's kid allowed to grow up in front of America, we'd finally get to see the effects of a public life on a developing Corky CrashHelmet. Either they'd lock him in the basement where he belongs for both terms, or we'd be treated to the hilarious spectacle of him slipping the restraints long enough to wipe boogers all over the Japanese Prime Minister at a state dinner. Maybe bust into war room meetings and try to give sticky hugs to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Trig is not to be allowed onto the White House lawn during the Easter Egg Hunt. He's repeatedly demonstrated that he cannot be trusted not to try to eat the eggs. Which would not be a problem were they not of the plastic variety."

I wonder if you'd still get 'tard and feathered for something like that these days?

Reno Gruber said...

What have I done?

blaine_fridley said...

wow. i don't think hell would even take us at this point…

Merton Sussex said...

Guess we'll have to start our own little republic, and take all of the miscreants bad enough to shiver the shorts of even The Dark One.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have lunch to finish.