Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain Fellates Veteran on Live Television

@8:45 of this video, he does everything but offer to wash this dude's ballsack with a warm, moist velveteen cloth:

Check Spelling

Which led to this text exchange between my wife and a friend, quite possibly the best exchange since the advent of texting technology:

Wife: "Wow. McCain should've just sucked that

Friend: "Nah way he coulda done that with Reagan's,
Roosevelt's and Brokaw's dicks in his mouth."


barry metropolis said...

What was up with all the "my friend" talk? Whoever said I wanted more friends? Or any friends at all? Pompous asshole.

Merton Sussex said...

That had to be the stiffest, not to mention coldest greeting AND penis EVER. He didn't so much pat that guy's back as he did swat his deltoid with a gnarled claw.

Oh, and as for "my friends", he was just trying to toss a bone to all of the Debate Drinking Game participants watching. Maybe he figures if he can get them all good and schnockered, they'll kill enough brain cells to qualify as Conservatives.


Reno Gruber said...

Yes, McCain is uber creepy but lets be honest, if this race gets any closer i'm going to start calling Barack the worst insult I can think of.

The Black John Kerry.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least we know he really loves veterans! When's the last time Obama offered a little oral relief to those that have sacrificed so much for our country.

Anonymous said...
