Thursday, August 06, 2009

Kids Say The Darndest Things! (Aryan Youth Edition)

Thanks to The World's Best Ever for bringing this to our attention.


Frank White said...

I think you spelled Aryan wrong. Scary dudes are now on their way.

blaine_fridley said...


thanks, knarf

now i can change it before i end up biting a curb american history x style

Tajmccall said...

The fact that an asian kid gets the answer correct seconds later makes it too good to be true.

Katherine said...

oh, my effing god. that is so horribly hysterical.

Merton Sussex said...

I wonder if the first kid just blurted out "Chinese?!?" on a Freudian level. Maybe she had never seen an Asian kid before, and was sitting there repeating to herself, "don't make a big deal about cool...they're just like us." Kinda like how when you're in the checkout line at the grocery store? And the lady at the register has a giant, nickel-sized mole with hair sprouting out of it? You have to kind of tell yourself, "for chrissakes, stop staring at it." Then when she gives you back your change, you say, "Thank you very mole!"

Maybe she just had a little oral diarrhea, and even if the host had asked, "Who was the Roman god of Thunder?" the answer STILL would've been "CHINESE?!?"

I mean, either way, the kid's a flaming fucking racist, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

Differing frames of reference.

My answer may have been that a yellow person has jaundice.