We here at the Diary of Fools pride ourselves in entertaining you with nothing but original material. However, every so often we come across something so incredibly AWESOME, that it simply can not be ignored. This would be one of those times.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Diary of Fools presents the reunion of the quintessential animatronic cover band of the 80's...Showbiz Pizza Place's Rock-afire Explosion!

(Click pic to play)
Yes. It seems a very special individual completely gave up on ever getting laid and instead put that time and energy into resuscitating the greatest collection of musical animal robots to ever grace the stage of a shitty pizzeria arcade. And the Diary of Fools could not be more thankful.
I don't know why, I don't know how...but the cheerleading mouse singing Lithium by Evanessence just gave me a NSB. (Non-Sexual Boner)
Please advise on how to kill myself, as I have now experienced every possible emotion.
Hey you don't know he gave up on getting laid. People can do two things at once, and there are women out there with some pretty freaky kinks.
Fergie never looked so good.
Thanks man.
Now I know why there is never anyone at the "redeem your stupid tickets for crappy prize" counter.
This is like old-school ghetto fabulous meets Fergalious! Thanks for the laugh!
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