Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The High Cost of Intergalactic Warfare

A candid look at the tragedy, devastation and sorrow born from the demise of a dedicated space invader, husband and father. (Click to play)



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's real touching and all, but you'll have to excuse me if I have very little sympathy for the buggy little fuck. HE'S the invader, remember?

I understand that no matter what side of the war you're on, each side thinks they're the "good guys," but come on. His kind are a relentless, unstoppable force with infinite numbers, and they're mounting what is, in essence, a takeover of a sovereign planet. An unjust, uninvited cosmic land-grab. Not to mention that they're not picking on someone their own size, so to speak. This planet only has the barest of defenses. One halftrack turret and some crumbling bunkers can only hold off an invasion force for so long, it can never hope to stop it entirely. At the end of the day, you might have the high score...But all that means is that you won the battle. You still lost the war.

The high cost of war is tragic for both sides, yes. But there are larger moral implications to consider, here...And I for one personally resent your naked bid for enemy sympathy.

Gloucester de la Vegas said...

I'm overcome with so many feelings...if I had known how much like our own lives were those of these "invaders from space"...how much like ours their dreams, ambitions, affections... I may not have pressed that button thousands and thousands of times.

But because I'm an American, so schooled in why we fight, what principles are involved when we must turn to violence against evil, what codes of fairness, justness and honor we must live by even in war...truly, I need have no regrets, nor need our military commanders, civilian leaders, our Commander-in-Chief.

It's all very sad, be it virtual or actual. I guess I'll just say the words "freedom", "democracy" and "turror-rist" ("terrorist") a lot. Maybe throw in an "axis of evil" or two.