Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Ummmm...Yeah: Those Crazy Japanese, Vol. 4
Admittedly, I don't understand Portuguese well enough/at all to understand what the caption read on the blog I stole this from (nor am I completely sure how I ended up on a Portuguese blog. Last thing I remember I was being hooded, tied, sedated and tossed into a nondescript white van. When I came to I was on a Portuguese blog. You know the story), but context or no, I'm pretty sure that this...just. isn't. right.

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If video games are to be believed, the tops of commuter trains need to be kept free of obstructions in order to be jumped upon by ninjas, skate punks, message couriers, and other folks who need to cross the mission map in a hurry.
Ergo, methinks the snail-trail that "Attack of the 50-Foot Chibi" must be leaving on that train will likely as not result in massive slippage, and a lot of re-loaded checkpoints.
It would be better if the giant... creature was the terminus for a tunnel rather than just sitting on an elevated track.
That would really hammer home the idea that the trains were erupting from her cartoon snatch.
What's wrong with hypersexualizing young girls that may or may not of hit menarche? I mean this is a dearly held cultural facet, as evidenced by Japan's true No. 1 export for the past few years. Cartoon porn!
I'm just glad there weren't any balloon tentacles included in this picture.
"I'm just glad there weren't any balloon tentacles included in this picture."
I have such a love/hate relationship with Japanese culture. I only forgive them their obsession with schoolgirl tentacle rape because I find sushi and J-Pop so very delicious.
Y'know, it's interesting...The more uptight and regimented a mainstream culture is, the more depraved their pr0n. I mean, Japan's whole above-the-dirt social morés are so strict that if you get a crick in your back at an inopportune moment, and accidentally wind up bowing a few centimeters too shallowly when greeting your boss, the only way out of the shame is to go home, dismember your wife and children, and then commit seppuku. And even then, you'd BETTER leave yourself enough time to scrawl "私は謝る" on the wall in your own blood before you die.
Then, on the other hand...Yaoi exists.
And that's all I'm going to say.
I'm to humble to comment in such
illustrious company.
Also, the incredibly strict and bizarre Japanese censorship laws might have something to do with their collective sexual confusion.
Case in point: penises are totally fine as long as they are not attached to a human body. (in the normal way)
There is a pretty obvious slippery slope from disembodied penises to full on tentacle/penis-spider porn.
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