Friday, June 13, 2008

Blaine Talks Back

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read Wednesday's post (see post below) and put their two cents in. Great comments all, so I thought I'd take a minute to address them. Also, just about everyone who commented has a blog of their own, and I'm a fan of them all. Make sure you check them out if haven't already.

Jeffrey Ellis said...
Dude, that was a seriously funny post. Not just "sorta" gay indeed. But you should consider Bob Barr instead of Nader.

Thanks, Jeffrey. Bob Barr you say? I'll check him out.
Jeffrey Ellis is the brain behind the very funny blog, The Stinker. Check it out at:

Tiggy said...
How easy it is to get carried away by a twinkling smile and enthusiastic promise to do better than the last idiot. In the UK that man was called Tony Blair, and look how that turned out...

Tony Blair? At least he sounded intelligent while fucking his country over and supporting one of the most egregiously erroneous and inept military efforts of our time. So...there's that.
Tiggy is the author of my new favorite blog, aptly titled Tiggyblog:

bad egg said...
"Just exactly how much do people think will change if he becomes president?"

Well, the changes have already begun. Not only does he refuse to accept political donations from Special Interests, PACs and Lobbyists, he has now required the DNC to turn down these donations as well.

"When it comes down to it, do you think Obama is going to do what's right for this country's majority, or cater to influential constituents that helped get him elected?"

I sure HOPE he caters to the constituents who helped get him elected, since they are your average everyday Americans who have donated an average of $50 each.You REALLY need to get your gay back. Every vote for Nader puts McCain closer to the White House, and we've already had 8 years of it -- enough is enough. Seriously, look at the three candidates and ask yourself, which of these faces do I want riding my jock? The answer is clear. Oh, and thanks for linking your page to my blog. =)

I thank you for the urging, bad egg, but i just don't see my "gay" coming back. I know Obama has gone on record in refusing donations from special interests, lobbyists, etc. Call me cynical, but I find it hard to believe that this insane amount of money is clean of dirty, dirty, filthy money. He may not accept checks with a lobbyist's name on it...but I'd be willing to bet the campaign has received plenty of checks from 3rd cousins of lobbyists.
bad egg came up with one of the best ideas for a blog that I've seen, and I am slightly spiteful for not thinking of it before her. You can track all of her misadventures in IM'ing at:

The Offended Blogger said...
"Republican or Democrat, history says the next president is going to embrace one policy over all others: The Status Quo."

True enough. I am voting for anarchy, myself.

Offended, Anarchy '08 is looking like a very intriguing ticket...
The Offended Blogger aka Chelle B has created a nonstop juggernaut of a blog, the wildly popular The Offended Blogger. Check it out, it's wildly popular for a reason:

Chirs aka "Chris" Thomas said...

History proves [to] us that presidents that take chances and ignore the the negative detractors, inspire economic grow[th], create jobs, built infrastructure, help low income individuals out of poverty, create money for college tuition and increased technical skills education...OBAMA= New Deal Democrat. Obama=Roosevelt.

No president in our history has ever taken a real "chance". They have only made concessions to those citizens who demanded the basic human rights advertised in our constitution. And as for Obama being FDR...well...I have to disagree. Besides, Eleanor was the REAL Roosevelt, anyway.
Chris Thomas does not currently have a blog that I know of. But he is a fine young man who treats the elderly with respect.


Anonymous said...

I, should have been more clear, being that i also am a former obama fellatio artist...I should have stated that obamas appeal is that he he using an old play book. to this dimly lite bulb, having some history in my mix, he just sounds much like a guy that really showed up to his 8:00am Introduction to government class...Un like the republican winkle cream..i it good for a guy running for president to let the world press know that he will "need a "crash" course in econmics.." with options like voting for diddy at least he wold have us in bling and could make some!

Christopher Aquainas

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