By Blaine Fridley, Editor-in-Chief
The good thing about targeting slack-jawed, mouth-breathers as your base clientele is that with their mouths already open, it makes it all the easier to shove your shitty fast food down their throat.

I don't know what's worse: A) The fact that people waited up to 2 hours for Sonic, B) It was reported on by local news affiliates or C) It's my neighborhood.
D) The fake satisfaction they had to manufacture once completing the disgusting hamburgers just to keep from beating their kids for a third time that night.
Well, their commercials are really awesome. lol. Omg.
This is news? masquerading as
reminds of Bushco VNR's
though possibly easier to swallow... ;^)
i wish my hummer would fit into the parking spaces.
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