Monday, September 28, 2009

The Day I Lost My Faith in Humanity, Volume XXII


Dogs are great and yoga is cool, but putting them together makes about as much sense as Nuts and Gum (together at last!).

Welp, let's just hope for humanity's sake all customers find on their Yoga4Dogs DVD is this:


Merton Sussex said...

Most. Useless. Product. EVER.

Besides, my dogs already know this one without even trying.

Paula said...

How can I make my pet love me again? There used to be such warmth, such unbridled joy each time we met.

Now we just pass each other in the hallway and its like we're strangers. There's nothing there, there's no chemistry.

The only passion left is found under the lid of her kitty treats. I shake a couple out into my hand, and there is new life in her eyes.

However, this joy is quickly over and leaves me more empty than ever. I open my eyes, and I know she is just using me. She's hungry, and when that hunger is over there is no more use for me.

There is no love for me in this world.

Well, except from my wife and family. But definitely no animals.

Askov Finlayson said...

This actually causes me to lose my faith in dogs. Just because they haven't run and down and killed the twisted twinks who came up with this.