by Eugene Intrigue, Concerned American/Wearer of Lacy Undergarments
While it struck me as odd that so many seemingly complacent people would so vehemently speak out against something as basic as health care reform, further understanding was gleaned from a recent viewing of the film 1984.

Chords were manically plucked in the film, underpinning society’s robust inclinations to adhere to party platform; often without general reasoning or desire of independent thought. In observing the recent outcry against health care reform, I found many of the detractors to be ill-educated as to the basic principles of not only Obama’s policy, but of general human decency itself. It’s as if Big Brother told them to fight this oppressive, “Communist” agenda, so as to preserve and maintain America’s ideals.
Does Big Brother have their, being the GOP’s faithful, well-being in mind when they callously blitzkrieg the President’s intentions? Generic logic would dictate to yes, whereas intelligent logic would dictate to a large and looming question mark.
My love for America and its populous is palpable and clear – much like Rudy Guliani’s speech impediment.

My aim is not to deride independent thought. My aim is to punch a fifty-foot hole in the smokescreen surrounding this issue, so subterfuge and hypocrisy are revealed and promptly neutered.

“Phuck ewe, Intewege!”
My aim is not to deride independent thought. My aim is to punch a fifty-foot hole in the smokescreen surrounding this issue, so subterfuge and hypocrisy are revealed and promptly neutered.
Please view 1984 for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc… time and try to distinguish my viewpoint. People are not stupid. But, through direct manipulation, people can be easily controlled. Work to gain your own viewpoint on health care reform. Perhaps you’ll agree that this is an issue that needs addressing - and perhaps the transparency of policy and encouraged national dialogue is the most “American” thing our 44th president has done thus far.
The people I know who have problems with the potential health care reform are concerned about deficit spending and additional taxes they might have to pay.
But the plan with pay for itself, I say.
The response:
Well, that's what the GOVERNMENT says NOW…
"The people I know who have problems with the potential health care reform are concerned about deficit spending and additional taxes they might have to pay."
but wouldn't the money people save by reforming and regulating the health insurance biz more than make up for the added taxes they might have to pay? i dunno for certain, though… anyone out there have any hard evidence?
I already solved this problem on Twitter.
Free, single payer, gov't run, socalized (etc. etc.) health care for all, and to keep people from abusing the system by going to Doc Friendly for every little thing: mandatory and exclusive use of rectal thermometers.
This way, going to the doctor is always free, but you never want to go unless you really have to.
Money is saved, lives are saved, bums are repeatedly violated, everyone wins.
My biggest problem with the way this debate has been carried on is not with people with legitimate questions about feasability, and other such logistical problems that may or may not fall into clear-cut party lines.
My problem is the dirty tactics and subterfuge, and the subsequent "retardifying" of those who watch/get info from only one news source of their choosing. People are, for some reason, convinced that this is the "last straw," that any baby step towards a socialist ideal will push USA over this imaginary threshold where apparently we'd no longer be a capitalist society (oh noes).
And to Blaine: regardless of the inefficiency (the main problem when a federal government gets involved in anything), the single-payer system is worth going for.
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