Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sometimes, Auto-Tune ISN'T Evil

I hate to break this to everyone, but the entirety of Western Civilization must commit suicide immediately. Yes, I know. Tragic. But it simply cannot be avoided.

Why, you ask? Tsk, tsk. Can't you just trust me? No? Oh, all right.

The reason is because the pinnacle of human achievement has officially been reached. The potential of the entire race has reached its apex of realization, and it's all downhill from here. I say this because nothing...and I mean NOTHING...will ever, ever be more awesome than this:

There. I trust I've made my point? Homo Sapiens should now feel free to exterminate themselves en masse, because it's patently obvious we've done what we set out to do.

I'll see you all out on the hill at dawn. Our release will be glorious.


Merton Sussex said...


How DARE you even compare the amateurish hip-hop missteps of that meth-addled poseur Vince to the sainted William of Mays?!? The reports that he died with cocaine in his bloodstream were LIES planted into the mainstream media by the Masons!

You will pay DEARLY for this outrage. Pistols at dawn. I will have my satisfaction!

Askov Finlayson said...


Save me a spot on the hill. I'll be running late but please start without me. I'll catch up…promise!