Friday, May 28, 2010

Now we'll NEVER know what Willis was talkin' 'bout (Abridged).

CNN is reporting that former child star Gary Coleman, 42, has passed away of a brain hemorrhage in a Utah hospital.

Since first rising to prominence as TV's "Arnold Jackson" on the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes," Coleman was more than a little popular. However, his career in acting was far too brief, as any projects he undertook in his post-"Strokes" career proved to have abbreviated lives. Whether showing up in a diminutive cameo on another sitcom, experiencing skimpy amounts of camera time on reality shows with undersized viewership, or appearing in a tiny role in a puny film, Coleman's continued acting career was mostly punctuated by teeny parts in pint-sized projects not long on appeal.

However, discouragement never seemed to cut off his determination at the knees, and his spirit never diminished. Whether making the most of a bit part in the exploitation film "Midgets vs. Mascots," or during his under-the-radar run as pitchman for mortgage website, Coleman never came up short on drive. Through it all, his enthusiasm, cheer and likability were never in small supply.

Good-bye, Gary Coleman. All of us get only a minuscule amount of time on this planet, but it's still unfair when one so well-liked and with such stunted amounts of pretension has a life so sadly truncated.

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