Thursday, May 20, 2010


You stand at the edge.

The edge of what, you ask?

The edge of a magnificent vortex, I tell you.

A vortex where incredibly lame and brain-shatteringly awesome share the same meaning.

A vortex where low production value yields high comedic rewards.

A vortex where hastily written jingles bore their way into your brain and consume you until one day someone finds you in the corner of a darkened attic rocking back and forth, quietly singing the refrain over and over, eyes empty, soulless and unblinking.

A vortex, Ladies and Gentleman, called… local television advertising.

First up in this new erratically recurring segment:
Ever wonder what would happen if you locked a small group of chimps in a room with only a Casio® Keyboard and video editing suite to keep them occupied?


Frank White said...

PS. Dat's my hometown if anyone was wondering.

Isaac said...

Lapidary means they do engraving.

blaine_fridley said...

@knarf- muhwahaha
@Isaac- they should have found a way to work that piece of info into their jingle