1927: Charles Lindbergh landed the Spirit of St. Louis near Paris, completing the first solo airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Upon touching down, he immediately made a beeline for les toiléttés, and set a second "longest" world record: Continuous Urination.

1956: The United States exploded the first airborne hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, thus beginning the dick-waving pissing contest known as "The Arms Race," and ending the peaceful island vacation of an unsuspecting George and Myrtle Collins of Two Rivers, Kentucky.

1979: Former San Francisco City Supervisor Dan White is convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting deaths of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. White's argument that junk food had fueled his rampage was derided as the "Twinkie defense." His conviction immediately stops any other shady attorneys from ever again attempting to claim their clients aren't guilty because of similar unrelated and laugh-out-loud ridiculous made-up maladies.

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