Every two years the people of the various countries of the world gather in random cities to express their feelings of nationalism under the cover of official Olympic sporting events. This year’s Olympic opening ceremony lasted nearly 4 hours, cost approximately $100 million (although I have heard as high as $300 million), and was viewed by 1 billion people (that is approx. 15 % of the world’s population!). I didn’t watch the whole thing, I just caught the never-ending replay of the highlights, my favorite part was when the Chinese athlete selected to light the Olympic flame was hoisted into the air by wires and appeared to be running on air in his ascent to light the torch. All of this seems a bit over the top, don’t you think?
Call me Debbie Downer, but I personally think that all this man power, invested time, and ridiculous amount of money could have been put to better use. But hey, I’m not going to lie, I am a huge sports fan and enjoy the Olympics, they could just do without all the ceremonial bull. No, I do not want to watch acrobats create some work of art on a state of the art LCD screen, I want to watch the world’s top athletes duke it out, maybe chant a little “USA!”.
With that being said, there was a poll conducted asking people which Olympic sporting event they were looking forward to the most, 45% responded gymnastics, followed by swimming, etc. (actual numbers not really known, I made that up). WRONG! Yeah, yeah, yeah it’s nice to see Michael Phelps get his 27th gold medal and all but what I really want to see is Race Walking. That is correct, Race Walking is actually an event which holds world-wide standings and can earn an Olympic medal.
Race Walking is listed under the athletics category along with all that other less entertaining track and field crap. It is a long distance event where the competitor must have one foot on the ground at all times, the back toe cannot leave the ground until the front heel has made contact with the ground. On top of that, the leg that is in contact with the ground must remain straight until the body passes over it (thank you Wikipedia). There are judges present to make certain these rules are followed. It is quite the sight to see.
This is nothing to knock though. The top race walkers can cover a mile in less than 7 minutes. I consider it outstanding when people can run a mile in 7 minutes. And to top that, the events raced are no short distance, 12.4 miles being the shortest Olympic event. Men’s race walking became an Olympic event in 1904, and after several years of petitioning women’s race walking became an event in 1992. People actually actively sought to make this a women’s event! Imagine the plight of these women race walkers, standing in front of the IOC pleading their case. They should make a movie out of it. It’s not like they haven’t made movies about this sport before.

http://www.heavy.com/video/54047 Click for your viewing pleasure
Fortunately, there is a website dedicated entirely to the sport. http://www.racewalk.com/. They actually have books, DVDs, t-shirts, etc. Even better the DVD is actually a collection of videos intended to be used as a training tool. You too can “Race Walk Like a Champion”!
From the looks of it, Race Walking was invented by some dude with a bladderful who was just trying to get to the Port-a-Potty before he suffered unauthorized seal breakage.
I'd also be too embarrassed to tell someone the truth if that were my event.
"No, it's not running exactly...I mean, there's speed and technique involved, and it's very competitive. There are rules that must be followed, enforced by a strict...I...Ah, to hell with it. Yes, it's 'that sport where everyone looks like they just got an enema.' Now will you please leave me alone?"
Winning a gold medal in that sport must be kind of like getting a trophy for the Math Bowl. Sure, you won, and that's cool. But you won against other geeks doing something unbelievably geeky that everyone else pretty much hates. Where's the pride in that?
Did anyone else notice the lack of fans in the audience of the speed racing event?
I always love to root for the underdogs, so I am now going to have to make this my new favorite Olympic sport.
Also, how do you think one becomes a speed walker by profession?
"Also, how do you think one becomes a speed walker by profession?"
That's GOTTA be something you discover by accident. Maybe you wake up after sleeping for the last 15 or 16 hours of a weekend bender, and just NEED NEED NEED to pee. But you know that the high-impact gut-shaking up-and-down of actual RUNNING would cause that to happen before you want it to. Or, perhaps you wake up after surgery, and the doctor has accidentally left one of those rubber knee-reflex hammers in your rectum, business end up.
I mean, who would aspire to that?
That's it! I'm starting a campaign, "Racewalk for the Environment." You can doub tme if you want but, I'll have all of America (and possibly about three other jump-on-the-bandwagon-type countries)racewalking to work for a cause. Potential slogan: "Don't Trip! Racewalking is cool!" O.K. Obviously, I need to hire a marketing team but you'l see...
though it does deride those who are truly passionate about the sport of walking very fast, the mr. t. snickers commercial does bring some solid ideas to the table, most importantly the fact that race-walking would be much more television friendly with the addition of mr t. in an urban assault vehicle shooting the hunger-satisfying combination of milk chocolate, peanuts and rich, creamy nugat at high-velocities in the direction of the competitors. i'd watch that. why not? i did watch a whole season of i love new york.
There are no words that can quite describe how awesomely stupid this event is. I would say that there is none dumber. I would say that but then, I'm sure someone would invent something dumber and I'd have jinxed it all. I won't be responsible for that type of atrocity.
just want to point out that the marvin gaye version of the "star spangled banner" is without a doubt the most kickass ever
also, race walking is hard and requires ridiculous amount of coordination and athleticism...and being a virgin until you're 26 and having a collection of a.l.f. memorabilia doesn't hurt either...
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
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