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Let's face it. The blogosphere is full of crap. Hell, this very interweb destination may very well be guilty of adding to its turdification.* (*"Turdify" and all its derivatives are the intellectual property of JB, copyright 2004.) But shit, at least we TRY to make it entertaining for you people. Dig into our archives and you'll find nary a post about our cats, last night's episode of CSI: Whateverthefuckcitythey'reinnow or tips on how to make big money by blogging because A)nobody gives a shit about our cats B)CSI sucks and C)making big money by blogging is harder to do than sitting through 2 minutes of The View without setting yourself on fire. Go ahead try it. I did. And now I have the skin graft scars to prove it.Once in awhile though, we here at the DoF come across fellow bloggers who are the genuine article and feel the need to pass it along to you guys. This time it's Downword Spiral. It's witty, smart and sharp. You know, everything we wish we were. (Click the pic to begin the Downword Spiral)
And don't forget to check out the other great sites on our Links O' Love section to the left side of the page.
I greatly appreciate that you are recommending blogs/websites that don't suck! Great entry!
Thanks for checking out my site and leaving a comment. I hope you visit often! I would love to be on your Links O' Love. We are officially adding you to our blogroll...stat.
check me out at too if you get time.
Bloggers unite!
I just discovered this blog on Blog Catalog the other day and think it's great. Great pick. I'm adding you guys to our blog roll too. Very funny stuff. Thanks for commenting on our blog too. Seeing any comment that isn't angry is good, let alone being praised like a...thing that gets praised a lot. Boy, that sentence ended weakly. I should've thought that one through better. Anyway, thanks!
just want to say a big hey there to anybody here. i am fresh new here and look forward to making more posts...
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