Monday, August 04, 2008

You have (hate) mail!

Blaine Fridley, Editor - in - Chief

The DoF loves our readers. A lot. And we have the restraining orders to prove it. But throughout the young life of this fledgling operation, the high amount of positive feedback has been a little disconcerting. Again, don't get me wrong. It's awesome to see that during any given workday, a few hundred of you select us as your slacker medium of choice, and that you're like minded (or at least open minded) enough to find a fraction of entertainment value in what we do.

But if we were ALL of like mind, well...we really wouldn't have that much to write about. People getting married in Wafflehouse parking lots. Co-workers who wipe boogers on the bathroom wall. Folks comparing Obama to El Presidente. Where are THESE people? And why don't they ever write?

And then this was delivered to the DoF inbox:

I bet you're a real blast at social events...I'd love to have you over sometime for a dinner party, where we can mistake cynicism for intelligence and engage in smugness towards others.

When I say "others", that means "everybody walking the planet that isn't some atheist hipster."


And our official reply:

Dear Fag,

Thank you for reading the Diary of Fools! We're always happy to hear from our readers, and most enthusiastically accept your dinner party invitation. I'm not sure if you have anything else planned besides mistaking cynicism for intelligence and engaging in smugness towards others, but if you need anything to fill the gaps, we can play Boggle. I have Boggle.

Thank you again for reading,

The DoF Staff

And just a final note to our gracious party host. "Mistaking cynicism for intelligence"? If you're even slightly paying attention to the world we live in, I'd say they pretty much go hand in hand.


Reno Gruber said...



Here is where "fag" draws the line??

At a Waffle House Wedding????

Jesus, that kind of makes me want to scrap my tribute to Larry The Cable Guy's backfat.

Anonymous said...

You know, he actually had a pretty good letter...until he wrote "Fag".

What a douche.

Anonymous said...


Merton Sussex said...

"Jesus, that kind of makes me want to scrap my tribute to Larry The Cable Guy's backfat."

Oh, GOD, no. Don't do that. "Larry" needs to be taken to task and brought up short for his back-bacon and bingo wings. Screw the criticism. The show must go on!

JD at I Do Things said...

Why don't I ever get cool hate e-mail like that? Hmmph.

JD at I Do Things