At this year’s Summer Olympics it’s not so much as to what happens on the field of play, but what happens off. While doing my daily scanning of celebrity gossip websites I came upon this photo shown below.

The picture of the Spanish National Basketball team in a promo shot for the 2008 Olympics. The members of the Spanish National team are indeed using a racially derogative gesture by using their forefingers to “squint” their eyes. Oh, and did I mention that this year’s Olympics are being held in Beijing, China?
Interestingly, no one in Spain initiated the deserved criticism of the nationally run ad. Spanish sports history has had its fair share of racism. With the most recent and noted occurrence happening when the Spanish national soccer team coach referred to soccer great and FC Barcelona player, Thierry Henry, as a “black shit”. However, the majority of these instances go unnoticed to those living outside the sphere European sport world. I don't know what marketing genius was behind this ad, but it won't go unnoticed for long in the sphere of Olympic sports.
The Spaniards are set to play China tomorrow, August 12th. I would like to see a Chinese rebuttal promo. I imagine it having something to do with the Euro-mullet and those damn Alladin pants.
You are 2-2 in hilarity, miss.
I think the chinese should have include an audio track of terrible house music and a scratch and sniff of body odor.
Seriously lmfao. Wow. Do you think they also sang the rhyme "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these" while taking the photo?
bawahahahaha...sweet jeezus god on a buddha. what the eff are these chuckleheads thinking?
even worse, i think, was the team's media relations spokesman's official apology:
"on behalf of the spanish national team i'd like to say... ahh-so, me-ah so sorry" (strikes comically large gong)
Wow. If any of our athletes tried that, I imagine they'd be un-invited to participate faster than you can say "Sun Tzu."
What kills me most is that they're ALL DOING IT. Not ONE of those idiots had the spheres to say, "Y'know what? This is horribly bigoted, not to mention seriously disrespectful to our hosts, and I'm not interested in participating." I mean, come on, I'm not happy with China's human rights record, either...But there's gotta be a better way of protesting that than making fun of their shared physiognomy. On the other hand, maybe I'm presuming too much on their motivation. They're probably just jerks.
Anyone else notice that they're also all not-so-subtly sitting/standing on a large Asian-style dragon? Nice.
Stay classy, Spain.
lol so funny.. oh soo funny..
oh and ps.. replying to merton sussex..
all i have to say is.
1. Milli Vanilli
2. placing minors to compete for metals
if you ask me that's more classy than me cock slapping you.
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