As active participants in this little experiment called democracy, we Americans are used to being pissed on by our elected officials.
It's just that some of them are a little more literal than others:
Councilman vows to quit alcohol after public urination bust
Monday, November 10th 2008, 2:11 AM
Pea-brained Jersey City Councilman Steven Lipski swore off booze Sunday - two days after he was busted for urinating on a crowd of revelers at a Washington D.C. nightclub.
"I've resolved not to touch alcohol again," Lipski told reporters outside his home.
He called the incident "deeply humiliating, very embarrassing" and "troubling."

Still, the two-term Democrat refused to admit that he drunkenly relieved himself from the second-floor balcony of the 9:30 club Friday night.
"I can't comment on that," Lipski told Fox 5. "I'm going to continue to do all the good things, and I'm not going to let this overshadow me."
Lipski's vow to lay off the bottle came after he spent the weekend reassuring pals and contributors that it was a spilled drink - not No.1 - that got him in hot water.
"I spoke to one of his contributors this morning, and he's denying the whole thing," one source said yesterday.
"He's telling people he spilled a drink. It's ridiculous. He's already said he's not resigning. He's telling people that."
Lipski, 44, in Washington to see a Grateful Dead tribute band, was hauled out of the concert hall by cops after staffers spotted him in the act about 9:50 p.m., club sources said.
He was charged with simple assault.
The incident is the second booze-linked black eye notched by Jersey City pols in two years.
Mayor Jerramiah Healy was arrested and pepper-sprayed outside a Jersey Shore night club in the summer of 2006 after tussling with local cops.
"It's embarrassing for the city," said Jersey City Councilman Steven Fulop. "If you are invested in the city or are considering it, it sends the wrong message."
[End of story]
Lipski has now admitted in more recent stories that he's a recovering alcoholic who fell off the wagon and did indeed unleash a golden shower upon the helpless Dead Heads (insert your own joke here re: Grateful Dead fans finally getting a shower of some sort).
Lipski has now admitted in more recent stories that he's a recovering alcoholic who fell off the wagon and did indeed unleash a golden shower upon the helpless Dead Heads (insert your own joke here re: Grateful Dead fans finally getting a shower of some sort).
Ok, just a few quick things here:
1) Jeezus, I love the NY tabloid tandem of The Post and The Daily News if only for leads like "Pea-brained Jersey City Councilman…"
2) Oh, and the fact that this
is the picture used in the story only makes me love The Daily News more.

3) Let's see, I'm a dude in rehab trying to stay off drugs and alcohol. Where should I go to avoid all temptation? Hmmmm…I GOT IT! A Grateful Dead Coverband show!
Typical politician:
1) Shows his contempt for the masses
2) Denies until forced to show contrition
3) As a recovering addict goes to a Grateful Dead show
this is the reason that frat boys should not get elected to office of any sort....fuck that guy..he was probaly try to purge some deep repressed ritual that took place when he was 18 getting a corkscrew shoved up is arse,all the while puking boones farm. how do theses people get elected..
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