From the
NY Post's Page Six:
WE HEAR...THAT although we didn't think it would be possible to silence Ann Coulter, the leggy reaction- ary broke her jaw and the mouth that roared has been wired shut...
As the DoF's own Merton Sussex so wonderfully put it: "it MIGHT make her lose weight, which would just make her Adam's apple more prominent. So at least she's got that going for her."
You call it 'Evidence of God,' I call it validation of the Disney mantra "Dreams Do Come True."
This may actually cause her head to explode due to a backup of bile. I mean, you can only spew so quickly by typing, and making the sure the outraged nature of your latest rant comes through in the written word can be tedious. OK, you athiest hipsters, as you pretend to bow your head in prayer at your parents/in-laws, listen carefully. You may just hear the dull thud of Coulter's cranium detonating. Then you can truly give thanks.
comment of the month. what's size t-shirt do you wear?
I still don't understand why Bill Maher has sex with her-I mean-is friends with her. ''Friends''.
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