The U.S. presidential campaign is heading into the home stretch. And, if poll numbers are to be believed, Barack Obama's going to win by a considerable margin.
Of course, the GOP, in a move reminiscent of actual racism, thinks that fake racism is going to swing things their way in the polls. But they don't call it racism. Like they usually do when discussing race, they use code-words in an attempt to camouflage their motivation. They refer to the racism they're HOPING exists using terms like "The Bradley Effect," or, "Voter's Remorse." But when you strip out the euphemism, what it boils down to is: The Right really feels like the average American isn't going to actually be able to bring themselves to pull the lever for a black man once in the privacy of the polling booth.
Me? I call bullshit. And why?
Because even shameless, flaming racists are gay for Obama.
Witness this article from Esquire.com. They surveyed a handful of active white supremicists, and...no shit...3 of the four support Obama.
"McCain would be much worse. He’s a warmonger. He’s a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush," says Tom Metzger, Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the 70's. You might remember him as Geraldo's guest the day his nose got broken. In addition, they talked to a man named Erich Gliebe, Chairman of the white power group National Alliance, and former boxer who hit the ring with the name "The Aryan Barbarian." Of the junior Senator from Illinois, he said, "I give Obama credit, he seems to have stuck to his guns as far as pulling the troops out of Iraq. He’s a very intelligent man, an excellent speaker and has charisma. John McCain offers none of that."
So, the Klan and Aryan nations peeps are on board, ready to rock with Barack. Who else?
Well, the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Jackson Mississippi's daily newspaper, has endorsed Obama for President, too. You can read about it here.
"So what?" you say? "A lot of newspapers are endorsing Obama. And hey, just because they're from Mississippi, that doesn't necessarily mean they're racist, so don't stereotype." And you'd be well within your rights to say that.
However, I refer to them as "racist" because of their unfortunate history. The day after Dr. Martin Luther King's famous "I have a Dream" speech in 1963, when almost a quarter-million African-Americans marched on Washington demanding jobs, freedom, and civil rights, the above-the-fold headline on top of the front page of the Jackson Clarion-Ledger read: "WASHINGTON IS CLEAN AGAIN WITH NEGRO TRASH REMOVED." Yeah. Really.
We shall overcome, indeed.
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