by Blaine Fridley
Usually, I don't take joy in other people losing their jobs. Unless, of course, their job duties involve withholding basic human rights. In that case, you can call me Shadenfreude J. Gravedancer.

(Above) Focus on the Family Founder
and World Class Taint-licker, James Dobson.
As reported in the Colorado Independent, the conservative Christian ministry known as Focus on the Family announced that it'll be laying off approximately 20% of its workforce. This deliciously karmic development comes almost immediately after the group spent over half a million dollars to pass the anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 in California.
Read the Independent article here.
They have a workforce?!? As in, like, paid employees?!?
What the fuck do they DO, exactly? Sell the hate door-to-door? At storefront locations? Or do they just sort of run around in mobs, beating up gay people, abortion activists, and NPR listeners?
Merton, I think they do in fact "run around in mobs, beating up gay people, abortion activists, and NPR listeners". I believe it's in their job description, I saw it on
"I believe it's in their job description, I saw it on"
haha! that's my boo --- get yo' own, ya heard?
did you say "boo"?
oh shew boo, you know how we do!
haha first off if you have a problem with people being gay, then you are gay yourself and just scared to take it. man up christian soliders.
no. no i didn't.
i could totally see the dobson shit on the receiving end of larry craig's wide stance
What the fuck do these Jesus-terrorists care? I mean have you seen the body and volume of Jesus' hair? I think he might've been a little light in the sandals, too.
Ha! Lucky for us, we have no gays.
boo is a perfectly acceptable term of endearment
Look guys, it's like this: If we allow people of the same sex the opportunity to get into a legally-recognized, loving, long-term relationship, what's next? This is the first step to society accepting sex with goats. It's a slippery slope, friends.
Here's something else I can't stand about groups like this --- they result in regular, accepting Christians who actually do follow the teachings of Jesus (like accepting those who are different than you maybe?) getting clumped-in with the likes of these nutjobs. In being so zealous they actually do more to discredit the religion.
thank you, lucy
I just don't see Blaine as a "boo" caller...I assumed he was a "mami" man.
but if Starfish Parker says it's cool, it's the coolest! whoa!
I am more of a "mami" and that's usually what Blaine refers to me as. Am I missing something with the word "boo"?
Okay, now that 20% is ripe for the picking and converting by the evangelical gays. Get to work, boys. You've got a tough job or two ahead of you.
are you implying that the term "boo" for a boy/girlfriend is racially incendiary? if so, i had NO idea. seriously. what does it mean?
Blaine, Katherine not racial LOL...I was just messing around, honest Injun (wait, now THAT was racial...doh!)
I actually thought it was funny...
and I call Lucy "Starfish" because her name reminds me of that Prince song, The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker...
out of all the folks I've come across on the net, the Diary Of Fools are so far from being anywhere near offensive that I'm beginning to think you guys are great-grandchildren of Helen Keller and Mother Teresa.
I've always thought "Boo" was funny, that's all...I get in trouble for giggling whenever my Snookie says it during foreplay.
okay, now I've said too much LOL
i thought by "starfish" you meant "asshole" and therefore assumed i had unwittingly pissed off the black cynic, which would make me sad inside.
love to you and your snookie.
did you say "snookie"?
And a new comment record on the DoF.
amazing, and not once did anybody mention Gordon Ramsey or T-Pain.
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