Friday, December 12, 2008

DoF suggests... has recreated 20 classic hip hop albums with hilarious results. The diddy to our left being Reno's favorite.

Let us know what one moves you, or ya know, just make fun of Merton's hygiene. We all do it.


blaine_fridley said...

3-way tie: big doe rehab/back in business/n'uh please (if only because i'm convinced ODB would've come up with this idea sooner or later)

Merton Sussex said...

Delightful. Though, I'm a little disturbed by something...Doesn't Lego manufacture any tiny plastic Brothers? The attention to detail was excellent, and the style-matching was exceptional...But every one of them was yellow. And not even Yella is remotely yellow.

I guess Lego's apparent unwillingness or inability to extrude miniature peeps in anything but one hue COULD be seen as a statement that we're all really one people and color doesn't matter, which is both true and cool. But it could ALSO be seen as Lego's position that there should only BE one master race, and that race should have skin the color of French's Mustard. I dunno...I mean, it's not exactly like they're WHITE...They're just sure as hell not anything else. Christ, even the SIMPSONS has black and brown people on it. Usually just Dr. Hibbert and Apu, but at least they acknowledge that humanity has a little diversity.

Maybe it's just that Lego is a Danish company, and Denmark is comprised of slightly more than 91% ivory-fleshed Scandinavian types, with the other not-quite-nine-percent being only partially made up of mildly caramel-shaded folks of Greek, Bosnian, Turkish and Arabic descent. Either way, I'm not sure what it all means.

I think I should go lie down.

Reno Gruber said...

My first observation was the same.

My theory. The Lego Corporation and Band Aid Company banded together as a brotherhood in 1866 to undermine the result of the civil war.

Factually inaccurate and chronologically impossible?


But my gut still tells me they have conference calls with the Triumvirate of Whiteness just to laugh heartily while drinking aged bourbon.

blaine_fridley said...

ps- the funk emanating from the area between merton's inner thigh and crotch is unbearable at times… other times, though, it makes me hungry for some brie.

Merton Sussex said...

Actually, that's not me. That's just where I keep the gorgonzola sandwich I eat at noon every day. I find that four hours at 98.6° is the PERFECT combination to melt the cheese JUST enough so that it's as soft as the hummus.

What? You should see where Blaine keeps his Thermos of soup. Let's just say there's a good reason he has to sit up pretty straight until after lunch.