Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our President: Dodgeball Champion

Bush dodge shoes on press conference - Watch more Free Videos

Say what you want about old stuttering-tongue, dude can duck a shoe like nobody's business.

Think of each shoe as logical and rational policy during each term. Skillfully dodging both while staring blankly back at us.

Listen for the outraged young assistant in the background. "That's the President, that's UNBELIEVABLE!"

Really? Was it?

*The DoF in no way ever condones violence towards Dubya. Lets just say we don't find it particularly 'unbelievable' when Iraqis think about it.


Anonymous said...

he has the reflexes of a jungle cat!

Merton Sussex said...

It kind of surprised me that he had time to throw both. I always though the Secret Service was there to take down any possible shoeters.

So much for taking a boot for the president. I mean, sure...he's a heel. A loafer with no sole. But...Still the president. So maybe just a tongue-lashing would have sufficed.

blaine_fridley said...

honestly… who throws a shoe?

blaine_fridley said...

that could REALLY hurt

Anonymous said...

Obama wouldn't have ducked. He'd have caught it and said something inspirational.

Anonymous said...

I'm just relieved he didn't catch it in his mouth…he might of choked

Merton Sussex said...

What I also love is that the Iraqi prime minister made a feeble attempt to catch the second one. Maybe he was trying to show Bush that he and his country are finally ready to step up and start defending themselves...?

Which ought to be a relief to many Americans, who've been waiting for the other shoe to drop for some time, now.

Static said...

LOL too bad the shoes weren't bricks, and that al-Zaidi wasn't a better shot.

Now that would have made better headlines!