Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Champions of Society (Sincere Edition)

San Francisco- A protester attending a debate between in-house Republican Super Villain Karl Rove and former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell on Oct. 21 attempted to do what paid law enforcement agencies should have done a long time ago - arrest a known criminal ie Karl Rove.

And according to California Penal (teehee, "penal") Code 837, she was well within her right to do so.

Shit man, you're telling me this isn't a public offense:
Ugh. That gets more painful every time I see it.


Merton Sussex said...

Rove needs a lot worse than a citizen's arrest, however within her rights she was to put those bracelets on him. It sucks how the press is treating HER like SHE'S the out-of-line crackpot.

I truly, truly hope that the real reason Pelosi and Reid haven't given as much weight to Kucinich's impeachment proposals as they deserve is because they plan to work with President Obama to prosecute the majority of Bush Administration officials for war crimes and/or treason. They know full well that Bush and his cronies would just obfuscate, refuse subpoenas and shred shit if they moved now. They'd slip the bonds and get off scot-free while still in power, so I'm sure the Democrats are likely as not biding their time until post-regime change, when they'll have the bench strength to ensure the charges stick.

I know it's a pipe dream, but dammit, it keeps me warm at night, so nobody's going to take it away from me.

The Husky Bro said...

If noone in the Bush Administration gets put on trial for their actions, history will look back at the public and deem us all gullible idiots for not demanding that these people be held accountable for the past 8 years of uber-bullshit that we all had to endure.

and that second Karl Rove clip still makes me want to shut down the entire rap genre for five years just to air out the stench that man put upon it with those moves.

Anonymous said...

so then would the U.N be brought p on charges?? pretty sure they waged there finger at Mr Hussain..just asking..

Anonymous said...

Just when I'd finally managed to get that MC Rove clip out of my head you had to go and resurrect it. I'm going to go kill myself now. Thanks a lot.

blaine_fridley said...

@ anonymous

not sure what a "waged finger" finger is, and by "mr. hussain" i'm assuming you mean mr. saddam hussein...

what do you think the UN be charged with? i mean, besides being an ineffectual, flaccid, do-nothing entity?

of course, the UN did not condone the brutish behavior of saddam and supported sanctions, but as for the US invasion of iraq (if that's where you're going with your comment):

On 16 September 2004 Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, speaking on the invasion, said, "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN Charter. From our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."

anyway, thanks for reading and commenting,


blaine_fridley said...

@ tyroc: agreed and agreed
@ bad egg: please don't kill yourself. we desperately need your readership.

Anonymous said...

I heart this woman.