Monday, Oct. 27th: Part 1: #50-#40
By Merton Sussex, Anger Management Consultant

We here at The Diary strive to be atypical when it comes to the material we toss up for your comedy consumption. To that end, we rarely, if ever, bother with stupid lists. Why? Because EVERY FUCKING BLOG ON THE INTERNET IS LOUSY WITH LISTS. "10 Lamest Superheroes." "20 Movies About Robots." "15 Songs About Masturbation." You can't swing a dead cyber-cat without hitting a virtual junk-drawer full of dumb fucking itemized bullet points paired with snarky observations. Christ, those talentless hacks at Cracked.com are getting fat off of nothing BUT lists these days. Lists are lazy, hackneyed, and more common than fucking cold microbes.
So, I thought I'd do one. Why? Two reasons:
One: I like fucking with your expectations.
Two: Because fuck Canada, that's why.
Now, make no mistake. This is not a list of reasons why Canada supposedly "Sucks." On the contrary. This is, simply put, a list of reasons Canada can go fuck itself...Which encompasses a far broader set of criteria. Sure, some of the stuff I'm about to bring up is here because it does sap my will to live, and is Canadian in origin. Other things are here because they're way better than what we've got south of the border, and I'm pissed that Canada has 'em, and I don't. So, it's really equal parts annoyance and envy. So bear that in mind before you get upset and write me hate mail.
In the interest of keeping things moving, there will be a new installment posted every night this week. So, it'll be kinda like one of those old miniseries things your mom used to dampen her drawers over, except with less Richard Chamberlain, and more profanity. Which is a distinct improvement on both fronts.
Got that? Good. All right then. So, here's part one of "Fifty Reasons Why Canada Can Pretty Much Go Fuck Itself":
50) The Juno Awards. Has there ever been anything more insignificant? Let's get something straight: There are only six real awards in the universe: Oscar, Tony, Emmy, Grammy, Nobel, and Pulitzer. Every other award that supposedly exists is just a poor man's version of one of those, given out because someone was pissed they didn't win one of the big ones. The Juno Awards are no different. They were created in the first place because so few Canadian musicians were any good by American standards, and weren't going to be cleaning up at the Grammys anytime soon. Is it hard to win a Juno? Well, there are only, like, 6-7,000 people in Canada at any given time, at least 1,000 of which claim to be "musicians." So, that definitely ups the odds. If you can fart in the general direction of a recording studio, chances are you'll at least get a nomination. Besides, any award Bachman-Turner Overdrive can win is obviously a joke.

48) The Metric System. Yes, it makes sense. Yes, it's easy. Yes, the rest of the world uses it. But you can have my gallons, miles and Fahrenheit only when you pry them out of my cold, dead fingers.

47) Loverboy. Yeesh. What an amazing legacy of pure, undistilled rock and roll, huh? These guys oozed Velveeta even when they were popular, which was for all of about two weeks during the fall of 1981. Does anyone, anywhere believe that so much as a single one of these greasy losers was EVER able to enjoy a sustained period of "makin' love to whoever I please"? I'm gonna go ahead and put my chips on "no." Plus, you're fifty and fat, Mike Reno. Take off the red leather pants. Just wait until I leave the room first.

45) Vancouver, and their lax pot enforcement. Total disclosure: Your old Uncle Mert has never so much as smoked joint one in his life. Really. Reason being, it's against the law. Yes, I know that's a lame reason. But my dad was a cop for 30 years, and it's in my DNA not to break the law. Shit, I son't even speed or jaywalk. So, I've never smoked pot. But I don't get down on people who do, because I've done the research, and I know the facts. Apparently, so does Vancouver. Vancouver has an extremely unofficial (but nonetheless universally-observed) "do not enforce" policy in place when it comes to the pot laws. In fact, Vancouver mayor Phillip Owens has spoken on record several times as saying marijuana should be decriminalized. According to people I know who have been there, you can walk down the street puffing a spliff, and if you walk by the cops...? They make you put it out. That's it. Really. Relaxed-as-George-Michael's-asshole pot laws is one more thing, like Horton's, that Canada has, and we don't. So, fuck them for being cooler than us on that front.

42) Government System. Lemme get this straight...You're located in North America, you speak French, you're a British parliamentary democracy/constitutional monarchy, and you still want us to believe that you have your own identity? Does the Queen ever even still show UP once in awhile, besides on the money? Oh, that reminds me...

40) Hockey. It's really the only sport worth watching. It's exciting, fast-paced, and there's always the potential for a fight to break out. Hockey's pretty cool. But it's not a goddamn religion. So maybe you ought to try reading a book once a decade, eh, Pierre?
Okay. That's all you get for now. Want some more? Then come back tomorrow. I'm gonna dole out these here packets dealer-style: A little at a time, and first one, as always, is free.
Ah, who am I kidding? They're ALL free. Don't say we never gave ya nothin'. Now scram.
#44: Poutine
That shit looks amazing, I would down that at 7 am if I could. They have something similar here in NYC at the diners, fries with whatever type of cheese you want and some gravy, I LOVE IT!!
#42: Government System
It wasn't until very recently, when one day I was bored at work and dit the normal wikipedia browsing that I learned that Canada still has the royal family. I was amazed and proceeded to tell everyone I saw that day about it. No one else knew either.
Can't wait to read the next installment!
...you should have kept reading, it was acutally how awesome canada was, and how they should fuck off because of it.
@ anonymous-
You completely missed the point of this post.
@ anonymous
i find your response to be not only quite dubious, but insulting as well - you actually expect people to believe we have loyal subscribers? psshhhhhhahahahaha!whew, that's rich!
anyway, if you were truly a loyal subscriber, you'd know not to take 99.7% of what we do here seriously. IT'S (attempting to be) A COMEDY BLOG! do we really hate people from quebec? no. i've never been. i hear it's quite charming though (save for all those snooty french-canadiens, of course. their culture is much different than my own. i fear them).
lastly, there are many reasons to openly ridicule merton (he DOES have ABBA on his iTunes) but intelligence, i'm afraid, is not one of them.
with that said,come on, baby - take us back. you know we love you.
Merton, Merton, Merton…
You think we can't see through your thinly veiled plot? The author of Great Moments in Fat History Vols. I and II is now pushing to import Poutine down here in the states. Do I smell Vol. III under that gravy…and cheese curds…I MUST HAVE SOME NOW!
Sorry. I'm under control now.
I initially thought that Poutine could be delicious, but remembered it foreign so could never catch on in america to become an delicious snack. We'll stick with our homegrown american snacks…like tacos, pizza and French Fries!
Hey "Anonymous"...
It's been pointed out by others ahead of me, but it bears repeating. THIS ARTICLE IS SATIRE. Y'know...SATIRE, you personne stupide incroyable? So, get your wet little panties in a knot if you must, but when you deride my supposed lack of intelligence, all you demonstrate is the total lack of same on your part. But hey, you just made me totally ruin the whole conceit of the irony by having to break it down and explain it, so at least you've got that going for you, you fucking tĂȘte l'merde.
But happy trails, anyway. At least we won't have to put up with you failing to understand the next four installments this week.
satire..what a concept..i need to get me one of theses blog name things..i dont wanna be mistaken for a dipshit.long live DOF...and long live fat one balled white men with stylish hair and swagga..
Soooo last night we went to a restaurant for Happy Hour and much to our surprise there was Poutine on the menu!! We had never had it so we ordered it and it was oh, so delicious.
Alanis Morrissette went bat shit because Dave Fucking Coulier dumped her? I don't give a damn if she creates an album that would make Jesus give her an standing O...she's gonna always be the chick who got dumped by Uncle Joey...
Uncle Joey? Really?
Alanis Morrissette went bat shit because Dave Fucking Coulier dumped her? I don't give a damn if she creates an album that would make Jesus give her an standing O...she's gonna always be the chick who got dumped by Uncle Joey...
Uncle Joey? Really?
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