A man runs for president of the United States of America.
He publicly claims to be computer illiterate.
Seriously, John? Now, I'm really, really HOPING he's just doing a self-deprecating, common man bit here - something along the line of Michelle Obama's "my husband doesn't pick up his dirty socks/he's a slobby pig like the rest of the men in this country" statement a while back - but dude, this would be the wrong thing to be self-deprecating about. As leader of the Free World, you should at least have an intermediate-level understanding of Microsoft Office. You can't even get a $7/hr office temp job without that.
Though, something tells me there's a solid chance he's being serious about this. Whenever I see him on the news, I can totally envision the clock on his top-loading BetaMax player perpetually blinking 12:00.

Nonexistent supreme being help us all if Gramps somehow pulls a miracle out of his bum and gets elected. The irony is, if he does...It will be because of monkey-wrenched Diebold voting machines HE WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE.
Look, I use computers. In any given day I literally use three distinctly different operating systems to get my shit done. I'm no Silicon Valley code-monkey, but I'm responsible, conscientious, and I know enough to keep all of my machines up and running smoothly. And even I cock shit up once in awhile. It's inevitable.
Point being, If even I still crash things on occasion, what hope does McCain have of ever checking his Oval Office e-mail without hitting the wrong keys and accidentally obliterating Uzbekistan?
I'm tired of being smarter than the president. It's been going on for the last 8 years, and it needs to fucking stop.
this is one...of a mountain of shit that this guy does not know about...nice work grandpa. Maybe the grand kids can show you how to play there hip 45's.
Christopher Thomas
I wonder if there is a way my sexy dance moves can explode all those corrupt ass Diebold machines.
I know those moves corrupt young ladies minds until they explode.
It's worth a shot, Reens. Apparently a chimpanzee with Down's Syndrome can hack one of those things with a paperclip, so hotly dancing at it might just overload the circuits completely.
In an interview a week or two ago, he actually said that he's been working on getting onto the internet all by himself and hopes to be able to do that competently soon. He still needs help looking stuff up though.
Seriously, how steep is the learning curve? If the guy needs months of lessons to learn how to double click on a browser icon, how can he ever handle processing the loads of information that would be coming his way as POTUS using that feeble addled brain of his?
Getting on the internet consists of clicking one icon and typing something into Goggle magical word hole.
My 76 year old father does this, and he considers VCRs to be cutting edge.
Reminds me of when George HW Bush was mystified when he saw the price code scanner in the grocery store - looked like a cat trying to work the microwave.
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