Verbal assault is considered a crime in England. This fact interests me in four ways, 1) Christian Bale of “Batman” was arrested this past week for allegedly committing this “crime”, 2) I extremely enjoyed that film, 3) I obsessively read celebrity gossip sites, 4) and most important, you can actually get arrested for verbal assault somewhere?
Now maybe I find this so diametrically opposed to what I think fits into the array of arrest able offenses because I am an American. I mean where would America be without verbal assault? How about the Declaration of Independence? That’s a fine piece of American verbal assault. Take that King George. I won’t even begin to list other examples, not only because there are far too many, but because I think I find this arrest even more so diametrically opposed to my American beliefs because the “assault” took place within the confines of a family fight.
While I am not certain of what level of importance other countries place on the family unit and what is normal for their daily family life; I am pretty certain, what one could be arrested for in England, labeled as verbal assault, is called Sunday morning in America. I mean I got into an actual physical altercation with my sister the day after Thanksgiving as our mother put up the family Christmas tree. We literally had to be pulled apart. It was a heartwarming typical American scene; I think Norman Rockwell actually depicted something similar.

(Come to think of it, that actually could have been an arrest able offense.)
There are a few basic characteristics that are attributed to the American Family: the husband, the wife, 2.5 kids, a house with a white picket fence, and an abundance of verbal battery. I literally do not know one person who has not had an all out explicative ridden shouting battle with another family member. This is normally not a highly discussed or advertised aspect of American family life, but it is definitely the most common.
Could you imagine if people actually could get arrested for verbal assault in America? I don’t know the arrest rates for this offense in England or to what extent they even enforce it, or what is even technically considered verbal assault. Would the normal run of the mill mid-fight phrase “I’m going to bitch slap you” get you arrested? Or does it take more, what does it actually take to get arrested for this? One time my own mother said she was going to stuff my father’s head into an apple sauce jar. Does that count?
Could you imagine sitting down to watch an episode of “Cops” and the local police department responds to a verbal assault call? I don’t know about you, but I would be pissed. When I watch a show displaying crimes I want it to be good. When the cops respond to a call it better be because some shirtless dude found out his hooker was actually a tranny while they were doing lines of blow on an illegal immigrant in the back parking lot of a 7/11. Anything else is crap.
What is the worst Christian Bale could have actually said to get him arrested for verbal assault? It has been reported that before the argument occurred Bale’s sister was asking him for money. It has also been reported that Bale’s mom works as a part-time clown. A clown you say? Now, I’m no comic book expert but wouldn’t the Joker be considered some sort of clown? And, Christian Bale is the man who plays Batman? I really want to see the police report on this one.
Awesome first entry, Lucy Parker.
Lucy Parker.. hysterical.. lol your mom is awesome. Stuff your fathers head into a apple sauce jar... its perfect. I wonder why she didnt consider just a regular mason jar but its the apple sauce that does it for me. I know personally i like to beat the crap out of my sister and chase my brother with knives. I think if you get slapped by me its just my own way of showing you how much i care. And we all know my overly used and beloved phrase "Bitch I will cut you!!!!".. what would i do without it?.. can't wait for your second entry!
America didn't become the most feared nation on the planet by "talking things out." God bless America! I'm going to go listen to my new Toby Keith CD now.
And two tranny references in consecutive posts! I love it!
Very nice first post on the Diary of Fools, I look forward to reading more from you!!!
The Christian Bale thing was unfortunate. Still one of the worst actors in Hollywood, but I feel bad for the guy.
As for the law in England...they're all sissy boys I guess.
One thing you didn't touch on is the rampant verbal assault occurring in school yards and high schools. All of the kids aged 4-20 would be in jail if they actually enforced this rule.
Ahhh, this place just got a lot less musty and man-like in here. The fresh odor of linen-scented reed diffusers is a welcome change.
Well done, rook.
Hey, that's better. This place needed a woman's touch. And before you get up, Reno, I don't mean she's actually going to touch anyone. So don't get your hopes up. In fact, don't get ANYTHING up.
Maybe now we'll be able to have FRESH flowers once in awhile, instead of those tacky plastic ones. As long as we don't have to start watching our mouths or holding in our flatulence, I think this is a marked improvement over the sausage-party atmosphere.
Bale seems too in-control of himself and too smart to ever physically go after anyone
This piece actually made me sorry I don't pay attention to celebrity news! Too, funny... cuz it's true!
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