We all know Tiger Woods is legendary for his unflappable demeanor on the golf course, but this HAD to unnerve him for at least a couple of holes:

photo courtesy of espn.com
He probably played out the remaining holes of this round deathly afraid of an encounter like this:
Tiger: {opens car door, struggles to shove comically oversized winnings check into passenger seat} {talking to himself} Hrrrmmph!...ehck...motherfucking...christ!... I wish they'd...mmMMPH... just give me a regular goddman-sized...fuuuuck...check for once. Ah. There we go. {sits down behind the wheel, starts car and reaches up to adjust rear view mirror, which terrifyingly reveals 2 tubby, middle-aged men sitting in his backseat, faces painted like tigers. One is dressed in a tiger-striped jumpsuit.}
Tiger Superfan #1 and #2: {in unison} RRRROOOAAARRRRRRR!!
Tiger: AAAAAAHHHHH!!! who--- who the FUCK!! {reaches under his seat for nunchucks}
TSF #1 and #2: {laughing like people who've been slammed in the back of the head with a shovel every hour on the hour for the last 30 years} Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh {in unison} Hi, Tiger!
Tiger: Sweetjesuscuntfuck! Get the fuck outta my car you psychos! Who the fuck ARE you?
TSF #1 and #2: {continue to laugh like people who've been slammed in the back of the head with a shovel every hour on the hour for the last 30 years}
Tiger: Look you fucknutties...Don't mess with me! I DO have nunchucks...I know I shoulda had the cops detain you when I saw you on the course.
TSF# 1: We're your biggest fans, Tiger! RRRROOAAARRRRRR!!!!!
Tiger: AAHHHH! Stop doing that!
TSF #2: Yeah, we're your biggest fans, Tiger...
Tiger: Well...great...that's great...
TSF #2: Yeah, Steve's mom painted our faces and everything.
Tiger: Steve's mom? Jesus. Look, you guys need to get out of --- {"Eye of the Tiger" starts playing} --- I...I think that's your cellphone.
TSF #1: Oh, yeah...that's mine. You get it? "Eye of the Tiger"? Get it, Tiger?
Tiger: Yeah, right. I get it. Look, are you gonna answer that? I hate that fucking song.
TSF #1: Answer? No, it's just my wife calling...
Tiger: Your wife?! You're married? Who the fuck would ma--
TSF #1: --it's our anniversary today. But she understands that it falls on the same day as your birthday, so she's not mad. Here, we made you a cake...
Tiger: Oh. Wow. Hey, that's...where did you just pull that out of? Nevermind. Don't answer that. OK, look, if I take the cake will you guys get the hell out of my car and never, never, EVER come near me again?
TSF #2: Never? No...no, I'm sorry, Mr. Woods. We can't do that. We're your biggest fans.
TSF #1: Yeah, we can't do that Mr. Woods. We actually came here to take you home with us.
TSF #2: Yeah...we're catchin' us a Tiger. RROOOOAAARRRRRR!
Tiger: What?! Home with you? Wait...wait...what the fuck is THAT?!!
{Tiger Superfan #1 pulls out a tranquilizer gun and points it at Tiger. Just then a ninja throwing star flies through the open car window and cleanly severs the heads of TSF #1 and TSF #2. Tiger looks up to see a man dressed in all black approaching. The man removes his mask, revealing his face.}
Tiger: Arnold Palmer?
Arnold Palmer: That's right, kid. You OK?
Tiger: I am now. How did you know I was in trouble?
Arnold Palmer: Well, I was watching the tournament on my 80" plasma while having my balls washed and prostate massaged by Beasley, my man servant, when I noticed those crazy catfucks following you on the 14th hole. I figured that couldn't end well. So, I fueled up my jet and got here as soon as I could.
Tiger: Jet? But wait, don't you live on this golf course?
Arnold: Well, yes. To be honest, I wanted to make a quick stop in Tijuana first to get some, uh, medicine for my arthritis. And a tranny whore. They have the best tranny whores.
Tiger: Well, gee Mr. Palmer. I'm sure glad you made it in time.
Arnold: Me too, Tiger. Me too. Now how 'bout a Fresca?
1 comment:
"And a tranny whore. They have the best tranny whores."
bahahaha! But seriously, try Amsterdam.
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