The Sahara is crossed by automobile for the first time, when the vacationing Larson family of Racine, WI - lead astray by faulty Mapquest directions - mistakenly bear right at Timbuktu while attempting to find the Mali Bubba Gump Shrimp Factory.
Nate: No way! All that is for girls!
Me: Well, your mom actually wanted a girl, so maybe you should put one of those items on your list. It would make her feel better about spending 72 hours in labor with you.
Nate: Labor?
Me: We’ll talk about the birds and the bees another time.
Nate: I want Santa to bring me the Eyeclops Night Vision Infrared Stealth Goggles and LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship.
Me: Santa? There is no Santa.
Nate: Huh?
Me: The Santa Claus tradition is a secularized substitute for the real meaning of Christmas, don't you know? Which is causing more secularization and even more mass consumerism. Furthermore, the practice of the Santa Claus tradition is contrary to the Gospel. For Santa involves the willing suspension of disbelief, in which the hearers of the story know and understand the story to be merely a story, whereas in the practice of the modern-day Santa Claus tradition children are being led to believe the story is true, and thus are being intentionally deceived by a deliberate falsehood. That is, they are being lied to, which is wrong.
Nate: What does all that mean?
Me: I have no idea, I read it somewhere. Jesus killed Santa. That's all you need to know.
Nate: My parents have been lying to me?
Me: Your parents, your friends, your friends’ parents, television, the internet, all of them are liars. Just like with the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. It’s not a coincidence Santa is Satan spelled backwards.
Nate: (tears) The Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny aren't real either?
Me: Don’t cry, learning the truth about this is a milestone towards your adulthood. Just don’t tell your mom I told you. If you do, you won’t get anymore presents.
Mos: It's like Jay-Z said: 'I just read a magazine article that fucked up my day.' That shit will happen to you several times within a day in the climate we're living in. You turn on the TV and some kid's getting shot. Just fucking reading the news, I'm like, That hurt my feelings. I need a drink now. That's when you start being like, 'Well, just fuck it all.' The test in life nowadays is just trying to keep yourself charged up with enough good feeling. It's like, 'Ok what am I going to do to feel really good today?' Not like, some chick or a drink -
David: Absolutely.
Mos: You say, 'What am I going to do to feel good, for real?' Because to me, it's like happiness is about happiness, but happiness is a fight.
David: You've got to validate every day. There are those who just put a stamp on it and say, 'This is gonna be a good day and I'm not gonna let anything else make it a bad day.'
Mos: Fuck it. Yeah.
David: And I don't need drugs to do it.
Mos: Yeah, yeah. Don't need no booze or no bullshit like that. And to me, that's gangsta. That's hardcore! Like you said, 'I'm gonna feel good.'