Friday, January 02, 2009

How'd You Spend New Year's Eve?

Over in Foggy Londontown (a.k.a Britain) their emergency number, 999, was at their highest volume rate called every 7 seconds on mostly alcohol related issues. And I thought my night quickly deteriorated when I stopped using a glass for my champagne and just drank straight from the bottle.

An article entitled "Boozy Britain's bloody New Year: A 999 call every seven seconds in alcohol-induced mayhem" featured in Britian's Daily Mail obviously captured my attention by the words boozy, bloody, and mayhem. It could possibly be some of the English language's greatest words, and they were all used in one title. Perhaps even more catching is the very first picture used in the article. Homeboy got effed up, hard core.

And, the pictures just get better as you scroll down. The captions under the pictures are equally as great. After a recent discussion with Merton Sussex, I am now imagining the newscasters of the BBC delivering this news story with their end of sentence pitch tone increase.

Here are some of my personal favorite tidbits from the article:

- One man called 999 to ask if New York was in America and what time it was in New York.

- They actually set up "booze buses" throughout towns in England to deal with minor alcohol incidents, in an obvious anticipation of events to come.

- In a town called Essex all 200 jail cells were full of drunkards, the rest had to be shipped to a nearby town to be held.

- I don't think I can list anymore, it's just too much.

Check it out for yourself

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow I just know this is all Gordy the Gadfly's fault.