Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Intellectual Scrapheap: Not-So-Deep Thoughts from the Mind of Blaine Fridley

"That's me!"

I love it when someone is given the title of "adventurer" in the history books. Like "frontier adventurer Daniel Boone," for example. Apparently, this was a career option at one point:

Some dude at a party:  So, what do you do? 
Daniel Boone: Me? Oh, I'm an adventurer.
Some dude: Oh, really? Hmmm. What kind of adventures?
Daniel Boone: What kind? Oh, you know, just "general adventures" I guess... Indian fighting, heavy drinking, general grappling... you know, that kind of stuff. It's what I went to school for, but I've been looking for a change lately, you know? Maybe thinking about becoming a banker from Boston... maybe take Zeke, Jeb and the wife out to Oregon eventually… but I don't know, know? It's just, like, in the "thinking about it" stage right now. Plus, the Oregon Trail can be pretty tough, you know, typhoid and shit... I think I even might of heard something about possibly some rafting at the end or some shit, too, and it's like  fuck that, you know? But, whatever, it's just, like, an idea now,  you know?


Anonymous said...

banker from boston? ha! good luck attempting to fix that inevitable broken axle.

Anonymous said...

Heehee... well I guess the trash in one guy's scrapheap is another guy's treasure. Funny stuff!

Fanton said...

I am a self-proclaimed aristocratic adventurer, you know.

Of course, I had to first pass the Adventuring exam at school, which I did with flying colours.

Then I was put on an Adventurer Apprenticeship, but was only allowed to tackle minor escapades at first.

'Tis not easy becoming an adventurer, you know.

Merton Sussex said...

Screw "Adventurer." "Swordsman" is where it's at. And when I say "Swordsman," I'm speaking more in terms of a Warren Beatty or a Hugh Hefner than I am a d'Artagnian or a Zorro.

Get it? I'm talking about my PENIS.