Highly respected reader Askov Finlayson weighs in on the most recent episode of Dancing with the Stars:
Never before has a politician so thoroughly ruined any future chances of political viability than Tom "The Hammer" Delay has with his turn on Dancing with the Stars.
Let's not forget that the man who was once the most feared figure stalking through Congress hails from Texas. His target demographic "don't hold with them folk". Them folk, in this case, being anyone confident (justly or not) enough in their dancing ability to stuff their paunch haunches into a bright red pair of pants and high heeled red shoes.
Not since Larry Craig has a Republican hard-liner looked so like a failed casting applicant for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
Delay may not have only committed political suicide with this move, but may have put his own life in danger. People in Texas do own televisions, and some men may even let their wives choose what to watch on Tuesday nights when there's no football being played. Seeing their fallen hero (brought down, shockingly, by a number of ethics scandals. Who new that a man famed for his venomous retribution and Old Testament lust for revenge could have ethics problems?) gaying it up on national TV could cause one of his ardent followers to finally fly off their last remaining rusty hinge like a trailer park screen door in a tornado.
Delay better find a way to hide in the bunker Cheney spent most of the Bush administration hiding in before he's dragged from a hole like Saddam Hussein and shot on the spot. It's still probably better for him than if he had actually won.
Personally, The Diary thinks "gay barber shop quartet/figure skater" is a good look for The Hammer.
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