Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Creationism: An Illustrated Account by Blaine Fridley

Jesus and the DinoWars


John Marshall said...


this is so awesome

Tajmccall said...


Directed by Michael Bay

Askov Finlayson said...

Actually, to be fair, the most extreme creationists would argue there weren't any dinosaurs (the bones were placed in the earth by Satan to trick people). As all evolutionists believe in dinosaurs and helicopters and, if cornered, would admit there was likely some guy named Jesus wandering around the Israeli portion of the Roman empire, this would more accurately be titled "Evolution: An Illustrated Account by Blaine Fridley." After all, why else would we evolve helicopers and machine guns, if not to combat dinosaurs?

Colin Lorimer said...

I just like the way Jesus has seemingly morphed his hand into a helicopter! The fact that the Robo-dinosaur is spitting blood in his face is pretty cool too!

"Drink the blood of me motherfu*cker!"

I'd pay to see that movie, in fact if you did it up as a comic- I'd pay for that too.