Anyway, looks like Conservatives are peeing fire because Megz up and posted a picture of herself on her account. I mean, yeah...that kind of shit happens all the time on the internet. So much so that if you look up "narcissism" in the latest edition of Oxford's Unabridged, it just says, "See: FACEBOOK." But Meghan's crime was doing so while being all hot and Republican at the same time. And that doesn't fly with the "base." Of course, the "base" is largely made up of a bunch of old white dudes who can't look at a picture of Ann Coulter without excusing themselves to go quietly masturbate in abject shame, so whatever.
I'm curious, so I'm thinking I'll fire up the Googelz and see what all of the fuss is about. How bad can it be, really?
Let's see here...
Oh. Oh, MY.

Sweet, sneaky Jesus in a chicken basket.
Oh-kaaay...Straight off the bat, I can see TWO big reasons why they might be spazzing out a little about this. For one, she's reading an Andy Warhol book, and it's a known fact that Warhol was a baby-eating, kitten-raping, pedophile gay Socialist arugula-farmer. Second, headbands are SO 1996. Oh, and I guess they might also be slightly put out by the fact that she's rocking some pretty eye-poppingly spectacular sweater-meat, there.
Then, following the sort of near-instantaneous backlash that was impossible before Saint Timothy of Berners-Lee blessed us with the sacred gift of HTML, Meggie-pie Tweeted this:
"So I took a fun picture not thinking anything about what I was wearing but apparently anything other than a pantsuit I am a slut."
As much as I HATE agreeing with anything an admitted Republican says, she has a point. As she's also since said on her blog after this whole thing exploded, "...It's not like I was caught making a sex tape. I certainly didn't pose nude for Playboy. And I hadn't even exposed a nipple," which also happens to be true, sadly. Oh, and for readers born after 1984, who don't know what "Playboy" is? Ask your dad.
If nothing else, the dust-up here ought to illustrate to everyone just how fucking puritanical this country is, and the Right Wing of it in particular. Meghan McCain (despite the fact that her mother looks like one of Madame Tussaud's less successful likenesses come to "life") is an attractive young woman. And she's not showing any more skin in that shot than any garden-variety chick her age exposes to the air on any given weekend tavern excursion. But she's being held to a different standard because of the fact that she identifies with the party of religious oppression, anti-choice legislation, and other varieties of backward thinking. Y'know...the same sort of "traditional American values" that made voters give her dad the gas face.
However, to her credit, in addressing the weirdo repressed sex-negative brouhaha over this mini-mess, Meg's remained staunchly unapologetic. Her blog also says, "To be honest, I don't feel that I have anything to feel ashamed of. I've always embraced my curves and will continue to do so."
Hey, rock on, Leggo-my-Meggo! You parade them puppies! Besides, I'm willing to bet that even though there are plenty of schmucks who'd ding you for it, they'd kill for a shot to "embrace your curves," too. You'll know which ones they are. They're the white-knight types who actually tried to get away with chiming in on the picture's comments thread in order to attempt to un-ironically tell you just how very beautiful your eyes are.
1 comment:
I think the picture is great, and I don't think she should be judged for it, of course she wants to feel attractive and be her own person. I can definitely appreciate those curves! If she has any more let me know.
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