Monday, September 22, 2008

Links O' Love (Read this Blog): BlackCynic America

How can you NOT love a blog that's responsible for getting this video more exposure:
(Click pic for vid)

BlackCynic America is one of the most consistently entertaining, insightful blogs around. Seriously, do yourself a favor and check it out. I'm not sure how many folks are visiting on a daily basis, but I'm positive more need to. So, show him some love, DoF readers.


Anonymous said...

Great blog recommendation. And I have to say, dang, that video is so 21st century Lawrence Welk show. Down to the cardboard sets. The keyboard player could use a little lipstick though...

The Husky Bro said...

Thanks you guys for the love...if all of you fools read my blog, then that brings the total readership up to 9! Sweet! By this time next year, I'm hoping that I can hit the mythical 10 I got that going for me.