by Lucy Parker
I don’t know what I find more frightening, the guilt of purity rings or the brazen displays of sexual promiscuity of “Gossip Girl”. One thing I am certain of, is that I am happy that I do not have to participate in the time-honored tradition of the “bird and the bees” talk with an adolescent any time soon. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with the recent pop culture onslaught of sexuality, or lack thereof depending on which celebrity you are talking about.
It seems that within the last two years or so Hollywood and pop culture in general has begun to shift on views of sex and sexuality. A lot of older people tend to dismiss much of what is going on in pop culture, but adolescents are being constantly inundated by TV shows, radio, and tabloids. And there seems to be hardly any middle ground on the topic, just extreme opposites. It would confuse anyone.
On one side of the celebrity sexual spectrum there is the Disney group, freakishly popular and powerful. The Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, and the High School Musical cast (however, some of them should probably be on Gossip Girl), are multi-million dollar money making machines that adolescents (and my roommate) cannot get enough of. Anything they can put those kids faces on, they will market; pens, pillows, DVD’s, clothing, etc.
However, this marketing isn’t anything that hasn’t been seen before. Actually, one Ch
ristmas I received a poster and video tape of a Backstreet Boys concert from Blaine Fridley himself. The big push that gets these usually craptastic items frenzied off the shelf are the parents of these kids who are hopped up on the purity rings a good number of these people wear. The majority of the Disney group kids have sworn to remain chaste until marriage, and to prove their commitment to this promise they wear a ring on their wedding finger. They also go to church a lot, discuss Jesus, and are constantly surrounded by adults deemed “trust worthy”.

Then there are shows like “Gossip Girl” and “90210”. The advertisements alone for “Gossip Girl” caused quite an up stir, OMFG. Basically, these two shows are the same except for the back drop. They’re about a bunch of well to do kids with little to no parental supervision, who somehow get into swanky New York clubs and Hollywood hang-outs to drink/snort the night away, and for their hobbies spend their time giving BJ’s in the school parking lot and bed jumping. But at least they are fashionably dressed while doing so.
Yeah, yeah, yeah there’s other stuff involved, but no one tunes in for that. “90210” is 3 or 4 shows in to the series and people (i.e. me) are already calling for someone to a) lose their v-card, b) get pregnant, c) overdose on something, d) all of the above. Sounds horrible, right? That’s because it is. But these TV shows (including Disney’s) are fantasy, not real; and they are being targeted to young girls who have a hard time distinguishing what is real and what is not.

The kids in Hollywood can’t even distinguish. Case in point, Miley

The girls on the “Gossip Girl” and “90210” aren’t even labeled as such, in fact those girls are somewhat revered. Cyrus and Hudgens are celebrity sexual spectrum road kill, berated because their personal decisions have fallen somewhere in the middle. They can’t hang with the purity ring people because, you know, they’re “whores”, and they can’t hang out with the “Gossip Girl” people because they’re not vicious enough. So they’re sort of swept to the side.
So, my question is how are teenagers/young adults, now and in the coming years, going to respond to these two extremes in their own lives? Kids in America pretty much do what they want to do based upon who they hang out with and where their interests lie. So my guess, based solely upon my highly scientific celebrity research, is that there will be three groups: group 1) the purity ring group and their diametrically opposed group 2) the gossip girl group, and the middle ground where the majority will lay 3) the sexual spectrum road kill. It’s almost similar to what’s been seen in the past, but with more OMFGs, green bra references, and diamond encrusted purity rings from Tiffany’s.
This article was very well written. And it's so true, teenagers today have such a blurred reality when it comes to many things because of the media. And poor Miley Cyrus. She's just being Miley and no one will even give her a break. I understand that she has to watch herself because she is in the limelight, but really, leave her alone people. Someone needs to get her new parents and a new PR person. I am available...for PR. Anyway, another stellar article from Ms. Parker. Very entertaining to read. Thank god for this blog or my work day would just be awful!
Really nice work, Lucy... solid article!
"one Christmas I received a poster and video tape of a Backstreet Boys concert from Blaine Fridley himself. The big push that gets these usually craptastic items frenzied off the shelf are the parents of these kids who are hopped up on the purity rings a good number of these people wear. "
Craptastic???? The nerve! When I gave you that Backstreet Boys poster and video LAST Christmas, you said you loved it. You have cut me to the core, Lucy Parker.
Until "sex sells" ceases to be true, this social phenomenon will continue...probably worsen. If I have a daughter in this god-forsaken world, I'll tell you one thing...Once she starts dating, you can bet your sweet ass that I'll be sitting on my porch with my 12-gauge in a wife beater drinkin' High Life until she comes home. Goddamn kids and their HJs and BJs. As for any sons, well, they're just gonna have to figure things out for themselves, just like Pa did.
Blaine, great idea for this Christmas, if I still have the Backstreet Boys video, we should watch it.
Up until recently, I always assumed "purity ring" referred to the anus...Because if you're a young lady who's willing to take a shot in the dirt-star, you're still a "technical" virgin.
Okay, I know that's not actually true. But you'd be surprised how many girls fell for it in High School.
mert, your depravity amuses me highly.
I fancy myself a modern man. However i do concur that the glorification of all things whorifed is getting a little "cray-cray."
That said. Its our own damn fault. We now have porn at our fingertips and our salacious sexual urges are all too easy to fulfill; granted you're ok with rubber, batteries or a strangely high threshold to pain in the junk.
Its only natural then our world will begin to echo such modern conviniences.
Once we could communicate with each other, we started getting much more petty.
"You see what those assholes in Suriname wear? What a bunch of fags."
My point is this:
You are what you eat, you see what you beat.
Have a nice weekend, Dof'rs.
This reminds me of Regina's little sister in the movie Mean Girls when she imitates the whores on tv.
Anonymous aka Blake.. MILEY IS A WHORE. She can be a whore all she wants just keep it behind closed doors.
though it was against my better judgement i took my 12 and 16 year old sisters to see rent the other day, only because i knew they had both seen the movie i year earlier. it was a bit unnerving that these two little girls were so comfortable with a show dealing with such mature and evocative messages. not some much the 16 yr old, but the 11 yr old? at that age i still blushed when comedians referenced vaginas in their acts. but its not just shows like gossip girl, 90210, and my sisters' face 'degrassi'....its our entire culture. some days i can't even get through a juicyfruit commercial without having to adjust my shorts. it's ridiculous. and this comment is long. good article lucy parker.
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