Thursday, May 14, 2009

Now Hear This: You Have Wasted Your Life.

This kid is nine. NINE. I didn't even know how to play with my PENIS properly until I was fucking ELEVEN. And I'm STILL not this good at it.

Why is it that the Japanese insist upon being better than us at EVERYTHING? Frankly, it's kind of starting to piss me off.

1 comment:

Askov Finlayson said...

Ahh, but Meron, you could interact with other 9-year-olds. This is probably a kid who didn't get into the right kindergarten. Not sure if it's still true, but through the 90s Japan had a very definite system. If you went to the right kindergarten, you could get in to the right grade school, which could lead to the junior high, etc. Basically if you went to the wrong kindergarten you were likely going to end up sweeping the floor somewhere. Unless your mother focussed all your energy on playing guitar.

The sad part is, he's probably going to end scoring the music for 134 tentacle porn anime movies when he's 13.