Thursday, May 21, 2009

Racist Cartoon Extravaganza

Most folks who get bored with internet access have seem clips of Bugs Bunny fighting "the Japs" or tricking a black Elmer Fudd into losing his clothes in a dice game, but the real gems of racially insensitive (to put it lightly) animation rise out of the more obscure characters, like Flip the Frog. Remember him? Of course you don't.

People took their children to the theater to see stuff like this at one point in time:

Lessons for children:

Chinese people are not to be trusted and have the power to temporarily change gender at will. Also, opium kicks ass.

From Tex Avery:

And again from Ub Iwerks, the man who helped create Mickey Mouse:

We often forget about this side of our cultural history, and when randomly confronted with it, there are several clear stages of reaction: 1. Holy crap is this real? 2. Oh man this is hilarious. 3. Wait, this is real *stunned silence* 4. They let children watch this?

Of course, it is sure possible to go too far in the opposite direction. Do modern children really need to be protected from Hitler's mustache.


Channing Conjuctivitis said...

"I've heard of Newtron bombs, atomic bombs, even smart bombs. But one bomb I've never heard of is a GOOD bomb!" Oh, Captain Planet, if only you knew how unintentionally hilarious you are.

P.S. So time-traveling greedy whores gave us the ability to split the atom. Go figure.

Tajmccall said...

Re: Uncle Tom's Cabin.


That is all.

Merton Sussex said...

It also bears mentioning that when Republicans talk about getting back to "the good ol' days" of "traditional American values"...THIS is the era they're referring to.

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again...There's only one reason Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney don't beat the shit out of their slaves on a regular basis: they were born in the wrong century.

Tajmccall said...

True. And the only thing keeping Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton from fucking their slaves is their own penises.

Frank White said...

Maybe they take turns being the slave?

You could put an afro wig and lipstick on a gimp suit and it would totally... be... creepy....

I'm disturbed at my brain for going there.

"The Gimp's sleeping, Cheney."

"Well wake him up, or he won't be the only sonofabitch on the combination waterboarding/anal rape table tonight."

Again, sometimes I terrify myself.

Merton Sussex said...

One man's "combination waterboarding/anal rape" is another man's "enhanced interrogation technique."

See, conservatives understand...You don't need to change the actual thing as long as you change the terminology you use to refer to it.

It's not "climate change," it's a "warming trend!" It's not "environmental rape," it's "economic relief to corporate America!" It's not "latex-suited, pseudo-black-fetish perversion," it's, "justifiably covert items kept in a man-sized safe due to the auspices of Executive privilege!"