Tuesday, May 06, 2008


From the Diary of Fools Newswire

Noted curmudgeon and DoF writer Merton Sussex nominated for "Nut-Punch of the Week" by his own mother

Should our own Merton Sussex be nominated for "Nut-Punch of the Week"?
Read the controversial article here.

1 comment:

Merton Sussex said...

Incidentally, that's not my mother. She's an intelligent person, so she hates the abomination that IS Country just as much if I do if not more. We'll BOTH get up and walk out of the restaurant mid-meal if Garth Brooks comes on the jukebox, only returning when we can eat safely without having to worry about all of the unappetizing ear-bleeding.

I'm just thinking that my pointing-out of the self-evident fact that Country music is only truly enjoyed by the velcro-shoe-crash-helmet-and-short-bus set hit a little too close to home for the commenter.

Honestly, I get it...When it comes to art, it's all subjective. One man's "Nude Descending a Staircase" is another man's "Mulch Elmer's-Glued to a Board." But I'm sorry...Country music isn't art. Shit, it isn't even really MUSIC. It's just...Audio product. Kind of like commercial jingles or the stuff you hear on the phone when you're on hold with your insurance company. It fills a void and serves a purpose, but by that yardstick, so does the grout between the bathroom tiles.