Thursday, May 01, 2008

DoF's Craigslist Post of the Week

Be forewarned, Vegas. Stock up on canned goods and shutter-up your windows, because somewhere in Portland a band is preparing itself to…


Merton Sussex said...

Wait...Isn't the whole point of a tribute band to re-create the stage experience of a band that has scores of fans, but that it's hard to actually see due to their no longer existing or being really difficult/expensive to get tickets to see? Sort of a poor man's version of a huge act?

Then why in the salty purple fuck does a band like the Scorpions need a TRIBUTE?!? Weren't they just playing to a half-full grandstand at the Cloaca, Georgia County Fair last weekend? That's like a step away from busking for change in a coffeeshop parking lot, for chrissakes! What's next, a Color Me Badd tribute opening for "The Bunch", Wyomings second-best Bananarama cover band?

I swear to nonexistent GOD, the Western hemisphere has less culture than a fucking cup of vanilla Yoplait.

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